See 30 Wonderful Photos of Montana & Wyoming

Documenting my American summer

Siya M


Every moment has its own worth. And in this journey of life, we’re all figuring stuff out as we move along and seeking moments that leave us speechless. I want to create more of those because that’s when the best memories get created.

I’ve no desire to hold the whole world. But I can do my best, to hold my bit of it. And believe me, wonders happen when you keep on following the desire to do it.

We all begin the same way. But what makes us unique is our actions. The actions that we take to bring life to our ideas and dreams.

Over the long weekend of July 4th, I visited Glacier National Park, MT and Yellowstone National Park, WY and fell more in love with this land.

Here’s my visual story of America, a place I will never tire of talking about, of exploring and discovering. Hope you’ll enjoy it.

Other side of Washington
Living like a local with #AirBnB with such amazing hosts. Location: St Ignatius
There’s a good reason why Montana is called the “Big Sky Country”
Spotted a deer at Sunrise in the backyard of AirBnB

It’s no surprise that one can learn about the world so much in just a week of travel. Here’re some of the conversations I had during my travel. Hope they can give you a feeling of the moments I lived there.

“3 more hours to go! and I definitely need more coffee”

“Okay, I’m setting up an alarm at 2AM”

“Sometimes the bears come at night and attacks the sheep. Bruno and barnie, our dogs, keeps them safe”

“Wait, let the deer cross the road first”

“Sorry officer, I know I was driving fast”

“Can I get anything vegetarian, please.”

“Storm is coming”

“There’s powwow festival today in town, you should join us”

Powwow festival in Arlee, Montana

Glacier National Park, MT

Nothing beats when moments just happen to fall into place at the perfect time. Location: Swiftcurrent lake, Glacier National Park
We all rest and recharge differently. I love chasing storms. Location: Ennis lake, Montana

Yellowstone National Park, WY

“I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.” — Eric Roth

These words got me thinking of the importance of doing things we love, constantly. Else the desire will fade away with time. It’s also one of those thoughts that keep me awake at night.

Do more things that make you come alive. There’s no substitute for that hustle.

I hope you like my story. Please let me know by leaving your responses below. Now go and make your life.

Download a few shots at Unsplash
Shot with Canon 5DM3. Color-graded using VSco with Lightroom.
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Siya M
Writer for

Exploring the world and within, I share my poetic reflections on travel, life’s moments, and the lessons they teach. Embrace the journey through my words.