Stay Alert and Stay a Little Bit Cheeky

What a Small Dog Taught Ilan Burla about Street Photography

Elephant Gun


by Chet McMillion

‘The Moment’ is a weekly series in which photographers discuss images that inspire them

Elephant Gun (EG): Tell me about the photo you choose as your “moment” — that is, an image taken by someone else that influenced you in some way or an image which you’ve taken that changed or inspired your photography’s direction

Ilan Burla (IB): I took this on my way to the 2014 Love Parade in Tel Aviv. I saw this wonderful dog being held by a couple and it triggered me. I approached, got close, and took several pics.

This image inspired me to move in a new creative direction. It helped me understand that “The Moment”, as you put it, can happen anywhere, at any time; it only requires you to keep my eyes open.

Stay alert and stay a little bit cheeky.

EG: How was this photo made?

IB: My camera in one hand and my off-camera flash in the other — I like to use off-camera flash during harsh, mid-day light.

EG: Why was this image “game-changing” for you?

IB: Getting as close as possible is a major goal for me now. Today, I primarily shoot with a wide angle lens and get as close as I can.

At such a small distances, you can really see the expression on the dog’s face, the harmony of the blue and brown tones, and with the bodies as backdrops. I feel the image came together in an organic way.

“There really are so many great street photographers coming out of Israel and I am inspired by them every day.”

EG: How has photography itself influenced you as a person?

IB: I’m more observant and feel like I’m walking in a dream theatre where every second offers an opportunity to tell a variety of fascinating stories.

As I’ve got deeper and deeper into experimenting with all aspects of photography, I’ve found the pictures with which I’m most delighted with were alway the street photos. I am inspired, of course, by the greats — Cartier-Bresson, William Klein, Martin Parr, but there really are so many great street photographers coming out of Israel and I am inspired by them every day and in every way.

Ilan Burla is a fanatic photographer that works as a CG Animator. He si the father of three boys. Follow @ilanburla on Instagram and Flickr

ELEPHANT GUN is a global, contemporary collective telling compelling stories via multimedia. ELEPHANT GUN, headquartered in Atlanta, operates across 11 countries in more than 15 cities. Follow on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.



Elephant Gun

A Global Photo Collective Telling Compelling Stories Through Multimedia.