Sepp Blatter’s Sci-Fi Exit

The Photo Went Viral, But Why?

Reading The Pictures
2 min readJun 12, 2015


FIFA President Sepp Blatter leaves the podium after announcing his resignation at the headquarters of the world’s soccer governing body in Zurich on June 2. credit: Valeriano Di Domenico / AFP — Getty Images.

By Michael Shaw

You saw it didn’t you, the photo of FIFA Emperor Sepp Blatter making his final exit? When a photo is that good, people recognize it immediately. But, they might not know why.

“How many chords does the magic door strike?”

What makes the shot — besides the mega-value of this dominating figure abruptly leaving the FIFA stage for the last time — is the glowing doorway.

The power of an effective photograph is that it registers with a lot of people on a lot of different levels. So, how many chords does the magic door strike?

There’s the harsh light of day. Biblically (and punitively, for all the corruption and bribery), there’s “meet your maker.” Then supernaturally, maybe he’s returning to his own galaxy. Or, being consigned to the clean room. Or, being irradiated.

By the way, what‘s with the footwear? Like Cheney in this old post, sometimes the suits are so full of themselves, the shoe style’s optional.

Besides the eminent whiteness, though, the other significant element is that outstretched hand. If it’s unimaginable to see Sepp step off, there’s the added degradation of someone else doing the stage management.

Of course, we don’t know from the photograph if he even paused.

Related: Why Hillary’s First Instagram Pic Went Viral

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