This Week in FotoRoom

America’s military culture, Taiwan’s highways, and suburban life

2 min readApr 7, 2017


© Éanna de Fréine

Meet Éanna de Fréine, photographer, publisher and juror of our current open call, ‘Human Environments’.

Get to know him better >

© Jasmine Clark

Yesterday night the US attacked Syria. Yesterday morning, we published After Eisenhower, Jasmine Clark’s work about the pervasiveness of military culture in the American society.

Find out more on FotoRoom >

© Anu Kumar

Enjoy the beautifully soft colors Anu Kumar encountered on a trip back to her hometown in India.

See more on FotoRoom >

© Adrian Saker

Adrian Saker brings us to Subtopia, a dark and dystopic vision of the English suburbs.

See more on FotoRoom >

