Who wants this book? A small, tangible thank you to my Instagram peeps

Leave me a creative comment for a chance to win

Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects
1 min readApr 10, 2017


Hey Gang: I have an extra copy of Henry Carroll’s landscape/photography book and I’d like to give it to one of you.

I’m having a blast doing the FlakPhoto thing on Instagram and appreciate your spending a few moments each day to check out my feed — God knows we have more things to look at than we have attention to pay.

So consider this a small, tangible gesture of thanks from me to you. Leave a creative comment in my post for a chance to win. I’ll draw a commenter from the responses in a few days and send the book your way next week.


Looking forward to hearing from you!



Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects

I’m a curator and writer in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Among other things, I run FlakPhoto Projects, a community hub focused on conversations about photography.