10.2 Billion VNT Tokens will Burn

Details of VANTA Network VNT Token Sale Results.

VANTA Network
VANTA Network


The VANTA Network team was able to reach our softcap by raising a total of $7.5 million USD through a private sale, IEO, and a public sale. VANTA Network’s total hardcap was $15 million USD for 35% of the total supply available for token sale. In regard to the details of the token sale results, please refer to the following.

18.2% Token Burn

A total of 9,439,617,978 VNT tokens were sold, which means that the unsold tokens, 18.2% of the total token supply will be burned.

  • Token Sale Supply: 19,670,000,000 VNT
  • Tokens Sold: 9,439,617,978 VNT
  • Token Burn: 10,230,382,022 VNT (18.2% of the total supply)

VANTA Network Exchange Partners

VANTA Network team members will continue our efforts of developing our decentralized and permissionless network to allow real-time, secure and private connectivity.

VNT Tokens are currently listed in the KRW market on Coinone Exchange as well as in the APOT/ETH/BTC markets on Allbit Exchange.

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