How to Participate in Project5 by Allbit x Upbit

VANTA Network
VANTA Network
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2019

Instructions on how to sign up and participate in the Project5 Competition Event

How to sign up for Allbit Exchange:

1. Change the Allbit Exchange website [Language] to [English]

2. Click the [Go sign up] button

3. Confirm your privacy policy, terms and conditions, select the checkbox to agree.

4. Enter your email address and password.

5. Click the [OK] button at the bottom.

6. You can log in after confirming the authentication mail sent to the email address you have subscribed to.

7. Enter your e-mail address and password and sign in.

How to create a new wallet:

1. Click [My Wallet] in the top right corner.

2. Click [Issue an Allbit Wallet].

3. Click [AllBIT] to create a new wallet.

4. Click [Next] to move to the next step.

5. Read the policy for issuing the wallet and click [I accept the wallet issuing policy] checkbox.

6. If you clicked the check box, the [Agree] button will be activated. Click.

7. KEY PHRASE is required for password recovery and change. Download or copy the order of KEY PHRASE then click [Next].

8. Click on the KEY PHRASE you downloaded or saved in step 7.

9. Click [Next Step]. If the order is not correct, you can not proceed to the next step.

10. The Allbit Exchange requires a second password for trading. Create a secondary password.

11. Please check the precautions and click the [I have read the notice of..] checkbox.

12. When you have completed steps 11 and 12, click [OK] to proceed to the next step.

13. Verify the secondary password.

14. Click [Wallet activation request] to proceed to the next step.

15. Your wallet is now created. Be sure to save your private key and key phrase.

16. Click OK.

17. Click [Balance] button.

18. Look for VNT then click [Transfer] to create the deposit address.

19. Enter the secondary password.

20. Click [Issue VNT deposit address].

21. If a QR code is generated, the deposit address is normally created.

※ The Allbit Exchange is the De-Centralization Exchange (DEX), with the same transfer address except BTC Market. You can check the same thing if you compare it with the transfer address of other tokens.

How to Vote for the Project5 Competition Event

1. Log in to Allbit Exchange website

2 Click on the [Project5] menu on the top left corner, then click on [Project Vote]

3. You will be able to view details on the Project5 Competition Event as well as the other projects participating in the competition.

4. Click on [Vote on project]

5. Each user can submit 1 vote per each day. Votes can be submitted with credit, APOT, or a mix of credit and APOT. After selecting the method you want to use, click on [Vote].

The value of the vote will change to reflect the APOT quotes. The total number of APOTs participants have voted with will be converted into USD by applying the price at the time of the vote and the rating is displayed based on the cumulative number.

Non-Koreans are eligible to participate in the event on Allbit Exchange. Please participate by signing up for an Allbit account to vote for VANTA Network daily!

For more details, please reach the VANTA Network team in the following channels:

Telegram Annoucements:
Telegram Community:

For all other inquiries, contact us at

