Introduction to VANTA’s API and SDK Services

VANTA Network
VANTA Network
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2018

How VANTA’s API can help your Business

If you’ve ever played online games or any type of games with online communities, you’ve probably seen cases where players communicate with each other through text or voice chat services. The question that people usually don’t think about is: Did the creators of these games develop their in-game communication services?

The answer is most likely no.

Developing an in-game communication service can be incredibly time-consuming and may require more manpower if a company doesn’t already have the technology. APIs can come in handy where companies need specific functions integrated into their own services.

APIs (Application Programming Interface) can be accessible through Software Development Kits (SDK) that are provided by the creators. SDK is a set of software development tools that allow anyone to implement one or more APIs in the form of on-device libraries to interface to a particular programming language. It could also be a hardware-specific tool that can communicate with a particular embedded system.

APIs have already become common in the IT industry for a while now but with the recent spread of smart devices and the explosive growth in IoT sector, the demand for APIs from both mobiles and web service providers is growing exponentially.

With the rise of new industrial structures like IoT and Big Data, businesses must focus on building and expanding their ecosystems while adapting quickly to the trends in the market. Gartner, Inc, a global research and advisory firm, advised businesses that APIs are the most essential, basic elements of digital business platforms and stated “APIs make digital society and digital business work by connecting people, businesses and things.”¹

In the past, companies considered their technology to be highly confidential and kept their sources private. In the recent years, however, companies have been opening up to collaborate by sharing and combing their technology with other companies in their ecosystem. They do this with open APIs, or public APIs, which can be used by both companies or individuals to integrate proprietary software application or web service.

Introduction to VANTA’s API and SDK Services

VANTA is a platform blockchain that is being optimized for real-time networking. Although it is forming its own ecosystem with all types of applications and services, VANTA is also providing core modules in the form of an SDK and/or API available in a variety of common programming languages using standard architectures such as REST. So individual developers or companies have platform-independent access to the VANTA Network.

These well-documented modules allow developers to easily build services that can access the numerous devices worldwide that already participate in the VANTA Network. For example, a developer builds a messaging application using existing technologies and subsequently connect to the VANTA Network using these modules. The application is then available for devices connected to VANTA. Thus, VANTA acts as the backend, with the application being run in real-time across many devices in a P2P fashion.

Instead of the typical client-server model with many devices connecting to a single, centralized server, VANTA offers a secure, P2P, scalable and stable network to facilitate real-time network. Our “Proof of Network” consensus algorithms using Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs) solves the issue of achieving consensus over a large network, with typical Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) algorithms running in O(n²) time. Furthermore, the lack of centralized servers means that the user’s data is secure on their own devices. Many services such as LinkedIn and Uber have disclosed that data on millions of users have previously been compromised. Secure communication services and encryptions over a P2P network such as VANTA ensures that this is impossible. Furthermore, since the blockchain runs on many verifying nodes, VANTA has no single point of failure, meaning that even if many devices fail, applications can keep running.

Thus, VANTA provides easy-to-use and well documented modules to allow developers with their existing knowledge to use VANTA as the backend, providing all the benefits of a decentralized network for real-time communication in a scalable, secure manner.

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