A World Of Paralogisms — Variables, Weekly

Variables, Weekly
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

A quick google search defines a paralogism as -

A piece of illogical or fallacious reasoning, especially one which appears superficially logical or which the reasoner believes to be logical.

I am severely biased against crappy arguments. I am not saying I don’t make them on occasion, but they seriously grind my gears. Lazy arguments are the analogical equivalent of trying to pass a bubble as a balloon, it just doesn’t work bro. Please stop drawing false conclusions from iffy premises and based on questionable logic. Thanks.

On that note, I bid you welcome to Variables, Weekly.

First, something on narcissism (I know I know, the topic is overflogged but trust me, you should like this) ~Narcissism is the new Herpes — Link

Still on Narcissism ~ What’s behind the urge to uncover an ‘authentic self’? — Link

Liberals On the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown — Link

The Bad Product Fallacy — Link

John Gray: Is Human Progress an Illusion? — Link

The high-tech war on science fraud — Link

Why do products fail? — Link

“Ask Ethan: What Is Spacetime?” — Link

Intolerant Liberals — Link

Watch this funny one-shot video from Marvel — Link

The 7 Habits that Books and Reading Help You Build — Link

Does Depression Have an Evolutionary Purpose? — Link

Yup love is basically chemical reactions in your brain ~ Love Is Like Cocaine — Link

For a short crash course on the state of power generation and transmission in Nigeria, read this ~ The Power Sector Conundrum — Link

That’s all I have for this week people. Happy reading. See you next time.

