An Expanding Universe — Variables, Weekly.

Variables, Weekly
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2017

I’m so sorry for not putting anything up for two weeks in a row, life sometimes gets in the way of the important stuff and that sucks. So I’m going to skip my usual preamble and go straight to the point. Let’s start with something about the expanding universe:

Ask Ethan: If the Universe is expanding, why aren’t we? Link

Yes Click-bait has fucked up the art of art criticism ~ The Fate of the Critic in the Clickbait Age Link

People have been saying the internet is killing culture for the longest, well this dude offers and alternate view ~ How the Internet Is Saving Culture, Not Killing It Link

Quite undecided on this one but I think it’s interesting ~ No easy answers: why left-wing economics is not the answer to right-wing populism Link

On the politics and fetishization of cognitive ability ~ Outsmarted Link

Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders Link

A long interesting first person perspective of the women’s march | The March on Everywhere, by Leslie Jamison Link

For a history lesson in mathematical logic with a sensational headline ~ How Aristotle created the computer Link

Does the idea of multiverses confuse you? This might help ~ The 3 ways that parallel Universes could be real Link

Have you ever been interested in analyzing your own google search history? Well analyse your own Google search history ~ The Search for Self Link

Read about how Trump hijacked the religious right ~ Amazing Disgrace Link

Are you a special snowflake? ~ You’re not special, you just have internet Link

Cult Confessions: Faith and the Limits of Liberalism Link

Ben Evans thinks the end of smart phone innovation isn’t necessarily a bad thing ~ The end of smartphone innovation Link

Elon Musk is at it again: presenting his newest endeavor ‘Neuralink’ he wants to download your thoughts ~ Elon Musk’s latest startup: Connecting brains with computers Link

Still on fake news ~ Google and Facebook Can’t Just Make Fake News Disappear Link

On the future of Artificial Intelligence ~ Artificial intelligence versus medical doctors Link

Let’s talk about Vertigo ~ Why You Feel the Urge to Jump Link

Motivational speakers will not like this one bit ~ Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too Link

This is very interesting ~ Tech and the Fake Market tactic Link

I hope you have fun with my selection this week. See you next time.

