Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or is it? — Variables, Weekly

Variables, Weekly
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2017
Courtesy deviant art

This week I saw a really darkskinned girl on the bus and normally I wouldn’t have given her a second glance but then I did, and noticed that she was quite beautiful. At first this seems banal and inconsequential but then I began to think about how many #melanin pictures I had seen on the internet in the past year. The chain of causation is complicated but I could sense that I had been influenced in some way because 2/3 years ago, I wouldn’t have paid the girl more than the initial cursory glance. I grew up with an unconscious bias against darker skinned people, on the internet these days it’s known as colorism.

Welcome to Variables, Weekly. This week we’ll be starting with something about employment ~ How to Survive a Career Pivot — Link

The Case Against Contemporary Feminism — Link

The Major Blind Spots in Macroeconomics — Link

Even in a Digital world, globalization is not inevitable — Link

It’s Getting Harder to Believe in Silicon Valley — Link

The 25 original shows we know Netflix will release in 2017 — Link

10 Female Nigerian Developers You Should Follow — Link

Centennial: Einstein’s Desperate Mistake, the Cosmological Constant — Link

Is artificial intelligence a threat to Christianity? — Link

There has been so much talk from Silicon Valley about designing ‘Smart Cities’ for the future, maybe slow your horses a little bit ~ A City Is Not a Computer — Link

This one makes some pretty extreme and long winded claims ~ The Alt-Right Is A Doomsday Cult — Link

This bleeds paranoia but it does raise some interesting points ~ AI and the End of Truth — Link

Steven Levy of Backchannel takes a backstage pass to Zuckerberg’s new manifesto, worth the read if you ask me — Link

On the failings of blockchain technology ~ Trust: the inside story of the rise and fall of Ethereum — Link

Take a peak into the mind of the man who designed the famous Stanford Prison Experiment ~ The Man Who Played with Absolute Power — Link

Thank you for reading. See you next time.

