This Is The End — Variables, Weekly.

Variables, Weekly
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2017

Hey guys, before I make the announcement, welcome to Variables, Weekly. Let’s get into what I have for you this week.

A feature story on theguardian from an Iranian-American about her experience seeking asylum, getting her American passport and other things ~ The ungrateful refugee: ‘We have no debt to repay’ Link

Another challenge to the Descartes mind body dichotomy ~ Descartes was wrong: ‘a person is a person through other persons’ Link

This was an insightful read if you’re Nigerian and wondering exactly why everything is so shitty ~ “What’s Wrong With Nigeria’s Economy? — Diagnosis from Doctor IMF Link

I’ve been confused about what exactly is going on is Syria, this gave me some perspective, it might help you too ~ The Syrian catastrophe Link

There is a trademark mini war going on over one of the internet’s most effective buzzwords ~ Who Gets to Own ‘Black Girl Magic’? Link

How Hackers Hijacked a Bank’s Entire Online Operation Link

For the ubernerds~ What’s the difference between a Fermion and a Boson? Link

Do you want to build the next Facebook? You might have to face the reality that there can only be one Facebook ~ Niche Networks Link

On the dangers of Liposuction, I learnt a boatload from this, you might too ~ The Dangers of Liposuction Link

This is the last entry into Variables, Weekly. “Thank you for following me on this wonderful experiment” says the man to his imaginary readers.

Warm Regards.

