This Is Why No One Should Define A Woman

You are not a lifeless product for needing a definition.

Varun Kwatra
Varun Writes
4 min readNov 2, 2021


Source: Edition PK

Today, I was watching a YouTube video where that girl was telling how American filmmakers are ruining a woman’s definition by focusing on angry, fighter-type female characters like — Charlie’s Angels 2020, Daisy Ridley as Rey Skywalker, Alice in Resident Evil, etc.

Her point was that the filmmakers, for making more money, are scraping these female characters of all softness and femininity… and by making them seem distant/alone as if they don’t need anyone else. And that the only character that did justice was Diana in Wonder Woman (2017).

— —

Now, this is the problem.

Although I do agree that Wonder Woman (2017) showed quite a dynamic aspect of a female. But real life is not that black & white, Is it?

A woman is not defined by the existence of femininity in her. A woman can be 100% masculine too.

What really is masculinity & femininity?

These are nothing more than genes, DNA, hormones, and other biological stuff.

All of us are unique individuals and are hence, deemed to have a unique ratio of both the aspects i.e. masculinity and femininity.

Of course, in the popularly acclaimed sense, masculinity refers to being manly and femininity refers to being womanly.

But just because a woman has let’s say 1.5x more testosterone than an average woman doesn’t make her a man. She is still 100% woman and deserves the same respect and appreciation as any other supposedly common woman.

Isn’t it all about balance?

How does it matter who wears pants in a relationship… or who fights the home intruder… or who does the house chores?

If 2 individuals are into each other and are truly happy, then that’s all that matters, Ain’t it?

— —

Anyone who says that someone is ruining a woman’s definition by making her more feisty or that if a woman is being too angry or has anger issues, then she is not behaving like a woman — is a bad person in themselves.

What does it truly mean to be a woman?


Really, you’re an individual. You have your own likes, dislikes, issues, personality, and a mindset of your own.

At most, you could define a woman as a human being who can give birth. But that can’t dictate how you should behave. And that certainly can’t give someone an authority to ask you to be softer, to keep a low voice, and all similar crap.

My take on such masculine female-centric movies

These movies are in fact the need of the hour.

I do understand some people take things the wrong way… like a girl could interpret that to look strong, she needs to distance herself from everyone and that she needs to look angry all the time.

But you know that no matter what you do or how you portray it, everyone, being a unique individual, will interpret and implement things differently.

You can’t control it and you can’t stop it.

— —

But these movies do inspire many women to be strong… to take a stand for themselves… to take the charge when needed to protect their loved ones. These movies also change the mindset of many men due to which lots of men now love such women, adore them, and admire them.

I guess one reason for this attraction could be due to finally getting something different. And different things sometimes feel better than the commonly seen stuff. So many times, If I have an alternative, then I don’t do things that seem overhyped or common.

So, is a soft woman a bad choice?

Now, I’m not saying that being soft or a regular woman is a bad choice or something (that would defeat the whole purpose of this post, haha.)

But rather, that a woman should be loved and respected for who she is as a person regardless of what ratio of testosterone to estrogen she got.

Have you ever seen WWE?

Source: Sportzwiki

Tell me, are Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Rhea Ripley — not women??

A soft woman is a woman. An angry woman is a woman. A crazy woman is a woman. A feisty woman is a woman. And even a disrespectful woman is still in fact a woman.



Varun Kwatra
Varun Writes

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