Grakn’s (mostly) Agile Methodology

A Tale of Herding Startup Cats

Filipe Pinto Teixeira
10 min readAug 2, 2017


Anyone who has ever found themselves monitoring or managing any kind of project may have encountered the term “It’s like herding cats”. These days this refers to the difficulty associated with managing the many interacting components of a project. Originally it was specific to people:

Managing senior programmers is like herding cats.

The difficulty associated with managing software projects and minimising the risks of those projects has spawned off an almost entirely different industry in itself. You will often hear people boast about following some formal workflow process. Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, the list goes on . . . Some actually get quite passionate about these approaches. I have even heard of people not in software engineering following these formal processes. Personally, I am of the thought that you should find a workflow that works for the team you have, stick with it when it works, and tweak it when it doesn’t work.

So this is a tale and a retrospective look at how we at Grakn Labs found our “workflow” that seems to work for us. This tale may aid you in finding your workflow.

We found ourselves in an interesting position in comparison to most software teams. We are not all software engineers. Some of us fall more in the data scientist side, some in the rapid prototype side, and some in the marketing side. Regardless, when you have a small mixed team that have to reach objectives quickly, it’s important to get everyone working in the same manner. So, in our case, our cats are on fire and each cat is trying to put out the fire with different materials. Finally, you, who are watching this, are also on fire.

Grakn’s Development Process

It’s year one of Grakn, we have vague requirements, a rough design document, and zero lines of code to work with. We also have a new and relatively young team. From the management perspective you should quickly get everyone on the same platform and process. So our CEO, Haikal, took the time to investigate and decided on a new project management platform, TargetProcess (think Jira, but less bloated and more focussed) and defined a development process from day 1. As he describes it in a different blog post:

Our development is quite Agile, as things change rapidly, and we embrace it. We practice some guidelines from Scrum as we develop in weekly iterations of sprints. Releases used to happen every two months, but now we release every 2 or 3 weeks. However, we still hold some core values of Waterfall: the requirements and design phase, as we believe they are critical steps in engineering — where 50% of the engineering happens. However, requirements log is always open to change, always updated, always reviewed and always feeds into the development iteration — this maintains agility in development. Imagine a continuous Design phase that feeds into an Agile team who develop in Sprints every week.

Planning: Requirements and Design

The planning software is only the tool and should be used to facilitate the needs of the team. The planning behaviours that every team does on the every platform will be different. For us it starts with the following pipeline:

  1. Requirements Gathering — Simply list the high level goals which need to be delivered by the software. Anything goes here, so list whatever you think adds value to your project, as long as it’s high level. Its important to encourage this attitude as it allows everyone in your team to contribute in some way or another to the direction of the project.
  2. Requirements Discussion — At this stage you will be accepting and rejecting requirements based on: (1) does the requirement fit within the vision of the product? and (2) is it feasible to do, regardless of timeline? During this stage, avoid discussing design. The objective is to create your feature set and prioritise those features. Your must haves for your minimum viable product.
  3. Design Time — Pick your highest priority requirements and start designing and outlining a rough implementation. Be sure to document any decisions and assumptions. You don’t need to go through all the requirements. Just enough keep everyone busy for a some time. When time allows, you can do the same for the lower priority requirements. Not planning all the requirements is important as things may change before you finally get around to implementing them and with a young team on a new project you will need speed and flexibility — or more precisely: agility.
The Requirements Board We Use For a subset of the project

This basically takes care of managing which goals get into the product. If you notice the new column looking empty, time do to step 1. If you notice the accepted column looking thin, time for step 2. Finally, if the in progress column is looking thin, time for step 3.

Next up, is development planning and execution, and this is where we set our first cats on fire.

Development: Weekly Plan and Weekly Sprints

Now that you know what needs to get done you need to make sure progress can be monitored and communicated in a non intrusive manner. Enter the Scrum Board:

Our Weekly Sprint Board on TargetProcess

Borrowing a page from Scrum methodology we run weekly sprints. At the end of each week we group up and fill our todos for the following week. This is basically the process of taking accepted and designed requirements and breaking them down into executable tasks. Doing this serves two purposes:

  1. Planning the tasks you going to execute in advance minimises “dead time”, i.e. time spent waiting for others to do something you need or time spent looking for your next actionable task when you not sure what to do next.
  2. By planning in smaller groups we more effectively communicate how we going to impact each other. This minimises surprises throughout the week. For example, if you going to be refactoring some API calls your colleagues should know about these in advance before they wonder where their API has gone.

The Scrum Board allows each developer to be aware of everyone’s status on each task without having to poke anyone. A digital board also makes this easier to work with, as changing the status of a task is as simple as dragging a card to the next column.

KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid

KISS — This phrase is often used when designing software and I believe it should be applied towards managing workflows as well.

This is where things started to go wrong. A new team, a new workflow, and vague requirements will results in some failures. We had plenty of these during the early days of Grakn. From not properly defining requirements, skipping the requirements pipeline all together, to just failing to plan, we experienced all of these in our mad rush to our fist prototype application: Moogi.

Some may argue that these failures are a result of not strictly sticking to established and proven process. In other words, if you going to Scrum, you Scrum 100%, if you going to Kanban, you go with that 100% without deviation. This is what we tried. This is where we failed. We found that sticking to a specific process was never flexible enough. When you have 6 months to get to a prototype application you can’t spend much time on your workflow. So this is where we started to deviate from the proven processes which resulted in things getting better. . . until they got bad again.

These processes are proven and established for a reason and too much deviation from them results in failed planning and planning to fail. So at this stage we learnt our lessons and went with a different approach. We treated these processes as guidelines and picked those which worked, while abandoning those which failed.

Estimating Effort: Predicting the Future, not Measuring the Past

One of the most common principles of Scrum is in estimating effort associated with tasks. Many insist that you should not use hours when estimating task difficulty. You should use story points, or hot dog sizes, or precipitation levels, or some other layer of abstraction.

One of the reasonings behind this is that engineers do not like associating hours with tasks. However, in most cases (not all) these abstracted points get converted into hours anyway. So this layer of abstraction exists to protect our feelings at the cost of giving us the opportunity at getting better at estimating the time it takes to execute tasks. I know this is a controversial stand point but hear me out …

Knowing how long it will take you to do something is a valuable skill for anyone to posses — it allows you to predict the future (of your development). A skill which is more difficult to develop when you think in terms of hot dogs and not time. So KISS — go back to hours, yes, you will get it wrong but, as time goes on, you will get increasingly accurate. Of course if the point abstraction works for your team then stick with it, but in our smaller team where everyone is responsible for individual components, time based estimations work better for us.

When you start using hours for task estimation do not use it to keep time sheets on your people. If you do, you are going to encourage people to pad out the hours, which defeats the purpose of this exercise. KISS — workflow management is not the same as keeping time sheets.

Communication: Daily Updates and Weekly Standups

Another common aspect of Scrum is the daily standup. The principle is simple, every morning everyone stands up and gives a brief talk about what they did the day before, and what they going to do today. This has the common pitfall of running over the allotted time.

Daily Standups are supposed to be brief 10 minute intros to the day. However, more often that not there is run over because as developers we are enthusiastic people and will talk any implementation detail into the ground if given the chance — tabs vs spaces anyone? This is such a common problem that you can find articles suggesting ways to deal with it. Some people use stop watches, talking sticks (you can only talk if you have the stick), druidic rituals, and many other workarounds. KISS — If it doesn’t work for your team, get rid of it.

We replaced the daily standup with a daily email update everyone sends at the end of the work day. This email simply states what they did, issues they encountered, and what they planning for the next day. If conversation needs to continue, it can do so on the email thread without dragging in people who do not need to be involved. In addition to this we have a weekly standup at the start of every week to say what our objective is for the coming week. This is high level enough that dev talk rarely happens and if we do run over it only happens once a week so we don’t feel the need to introduce controlling measures such as the previously mentioned stopwatches and druids.

Practice Makes Perfect

Handling incorrect task estimations needs to be done carefully. It is easy to accidentally create an environment of rewarding overestimating and punishing underestimating. The objective is to reward accurate task estimations and assist with understanding why certain tasks were misestimated. This is regardless whether they were executed 2 times faster or slower than expected.

You may ask why are accurate estimations so important? Isn’t it a good thing to have people finishing work ahead of plan. Yes of course! However, wouldn’t it be even better if you knew they were going to finish ahead of time? Furthermore, there are troubles that can occur when constantly under or over estimating:

  1. Overestimating can lead to people getting to the middle of their week and not be sure what to do next. Senior staff with a good initiative and intuition may easily jump on another task, but some (if not most) people are reluctant to do so. So it’s best to avoid this situation.
  2. Underestimating means that you risk blocking other developers or missing deadlines. It also means you can’t accurately plan around someone.

One general guidelines which has helped us in the past is that any task over 8 hours should be broken down further. Luckily TargetProcess lets us do this:

A more granular breakdown of tasks

Our Workflow Today

This roughly covers how we do business and how we work at Grakn Labs. It’s not perfect but it’s gotten us to where we are today. We are still tweaking here and there but the core principles have been maintained since we started our journey.

There are still many challenges which we are facing with regards to this workflow. The research side of our work still doesn’t perfectly match this workflow. I have heard of research teams who have incorporated Agile principles into their work and I would love to know peoples thought’s on how to do it. Similarly, there is still the vagueness of non requirement driven and non technical tasks. For example, I am writing this blog piece which takes time, how does this sort of work get factored in? Should it get factored in? I have been told that these are common problems amongst small teams of varying composition and background. I would love to hear your thoughts on how your teams have tackled these issues.

I hope you enjoyed this high level review of how we went from a group of cats on fire running in random directions to cats on fire running in the same direction. Maybe one day we will no longer be on fire.

Please let us know your thoughts by leaving us a comment below, joining our Slack community or pinging us on Twitter! And if you liked this post, please do hit recommend.

PS: If you’re an engineer, you should totally try out Grakn!



Filipe Pinto Teixeira

Graph DB Fan & Open Source First Director of Engineering