Meet the team: Filipe Peliz Pinto Teixeira

A series of posts to introduce the Grakn Labs team

Jo Stichbury
2 min readNov 4, 2016


Highly interconnected data from complex domains is challenging to model, maintain and query. With Grakn, which is an open source, distributed knowledge graph, building intelligent systems becomes dramatically easier.

This is the second in a series of blog posts to introduce the Grakn Labs team. To find out more about what we do, please visit the GRAKN.AI website and get in touch via our Community page.

Name: Filipe Peliz Pinto Teixeira

What do you do at Grakn Labs?

As Lead Engineer, I help manage our Agile development workflow, which includes helping facilitate requirements and participating in some great design discussions. I also have the pleasure of being the primary engineer of our Java Graph API.

How long have you been in the team?

I joined in November 2015, so I’m just crossing the one year mark now.

What did you do before you joined Grakn Labs?

I was completing my PhD in Computational Neurodynamics at Imperial College London, in which I tried to understand how the brain works by using clever modelling techniques. I have also worked for another startup as an Android and Web Server Engineer.

What do you like about working in the team?

It’s the best team I have ever worked in. I can honestly say that everyone in the team has taught me something new. I learned Vim because of this team and I had been delaying that for years. We also have a puppy slack channel. What more could you want ?

What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

Release 1.0 and getting to spend more time playing with our technology. It’s often easy to forget this amazing thing that we have built.

Spaces or tabs?

Spaces … and any deviation from this should be punishable by floggings!

(Editorial note— maybe a little harsh?)

Favourite food order in the Grakn Labs weekly shop?

Cookies. If anyone says anything other than cookies they are lying except maybe those crumpet fans.

Tell us more about what you do when you’re not at work.

I like to pretend I am a professional photographer by taking photos that some people like. Also a PC gamer and DnD player to the core.

Stay updated about Grakn Labs by following us on Twitter.

You can follow Filipe on Twitter and LinkedIn.



Jo Stichbury

Technical content creator writing about data science and software. Old-school Symbian C++ developer, now accidental cat herder and goose chaser.