Announcing TypeDB Studio: the modern IDE for TypeDB

James Williams
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2022

Starting in September 2021, we embarked on a mission to evolve the development experience with TypeDB and TypeQL. After months of alpha testing by the TypeDB community and much effort from the Vaticle team sanding down the edges, we’ve released TypeDB Studio for production.

What is TypeDB Studio?

TypeDB Studio is a comprehensive Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for TypeDB. It is designed for the end-to-end development of TypeDB databases, database queries and data exploration via a clean and intuitive UI. This supersedes our older graph visualisation software, Workbase.

As you can see, we’ve come a long way since September 2021. We’ve gone from the Workbase interface, which could only run simple match queries, to Studio, which offers a top-down view of your entire database.

TypeDB Studio

What’s new?

You can connect Studio to TypeDB and start performing queries in the same way you currently use TypeDB Console and TypeDB Clients. However, Studio takes developing for TypeDB to the next level in a number of ways.

Manage Database Schemas

Studio’s Type Browser

The Type Browser provides a structured tree view of the connected database’s type hierarchy. Double-clicking on any of the listed types will bring up a page that lists their properties in detail — supertype, roles played, attributes owned, etc.

Rich Text Editor and Query Runner

Searching with regular expression (regex) using Studio’s Text Editor

Studio’s text editor comes equipped with rich developer tooling, like syntax highlighting for TypeQL files (*.tql), with more advanced features currently under development. Studio’s intuitive and self-explanatory interface enables a rapid, iterative workflow.

TypeDB Studio brings session and transaction configuration to the forefront, providing greater visibility to the user about the state of the system. Studio allows you to run any TypeQL query, pretty-printing results to the Log Output window which is easily searchable (and supports regex matching).

Graph Visualisation

Studio’s Graph Visualiser

Fully comprehending a text output from TypeDB Console or the various TypeDB Clients can be difficult to do for large datasets. Studio’s advanced force-graph visualisation makes the underlying structure of data immediately apparent.

Studio’s Force Graph Visualiser in action!

Inference and Explanations

Studio’s Graph Visualiser explaining how a relation was inferred.

Studio allows you to double-click highlighted inferred concepts to retrieve their explanations and visualise how the fact was inferred. Inferred concepts are a key feature of TypeDB that allows for the logical deduction of new facts from previously known facts (learn more at our rules documentation). In Studio, they are delineated by their bright green highlight.

Download and get started!

We hope you’re excited by what you see. Studio is available for Linux, Mac and Windows. Head over to the Download Centre to download and install the latest version of Studio.

You can also check out our Studio Quickstart guide, which will lead you through a typical workflow for getting started with Studio and TypeDB.

If you encounter any difficulties, do get in touch with the Vaticle team, preferably on Discord — we’d be delighted to help you tackle any obstacles you find whilst using Studio.



James Williams
Writer for

Software Engineer at Vaticle, creators of TypeDB and TypeQL.