Who’s calling? Grakn. Model and Load a schema into a knowledge graph

Soroush Saffari
Published in
6 min readSep 26, 2018

This tutorial may be out of date against the latest version of Grakn. For the most up-to-date version of this tutorial, please refer to the Grakn Documentation.

In this tutorial, our aim is to write a schema and load it into our knowledge graph; phone_calls. One that describes the reality of our dataset.

The Dataset

First off, let’s look at the dataset we are going to be working with. Simply put, we’re going to have:

people who call each other. Those who make calls, have a contract with company “Telecom”.

People, calls, contracts and companies. That’s what we are dealing with. But what do we want to get out of this data?

The insights

The below insights will give us a better perspective of what else needs to be included in the dataset.

  • Since September 14th, which customers called the person X?
  • Who are the people who have received a call from a London customer aged over 50 who has previously called someone aged under 20?
  • Who are the common contacts of customers X and Y?
  • Who are the customers who 1) have all called each other and 2) have all called person X at least once?
  • How does the average call duration among customers aged under 20 compare with those aged over 40?

This is all we need for determining how our schema should be defined. Let’s break it down.

A company has a name, and can be the provider of a contract to a person, who then becomes a customer.

A person has a first and last name, an age, a city they live in, and a phone number. A person who doesn’t have a registered contract (not a customer) has only a phone number.

A call, made from a person (caller) to another person (callee), has a duration as well as the date and time it’s been made.

The Schema

Now that we have a good understanding of our dataset, we can go ahead and write the schema for it.

But first, let’s visualise the reality of our dataset.

By looking at this visualised schema, we can identify the Grakn concepts.

Everything that describes your domain in a Grakn knowledge graph is a concept. This includes the elements of the schema (namely types and roles, which we call schema concepts) and the actual data (which we simply call things; you can think of them as instances of types if you are the programmer kind of person).

call is of type relationship that has two role players:

  • person who plays the role of a caller, and
  • (another) person who plays the role of a callee.

contract is also of type relationship that has two role players:

  • company who plays the role of a provider, and
  • person who plays the role of a customer.

company and person are of type entity.

first-name, last-name, phone-number, city, age, started-at and duration are of type attribute.

That’s all well and good, but how do we get our knowledge graph to reflect this model?

Time to talk Graql

Open a new file in your favourite text editor, preferably one with syntax highlighting for Graql (.gql) files. Here are the ones for atom, visual studio code and sublime 3.

You can define the elements of a Grakn schema in any order you wish. I personally prefer to start from the relationships, as I see them to be the source of interactions — where knowledge is derived from.

Any relationship relates to at least one role that is played by at least 2 concepts.

In our case, a call relates to caller played by a person and to callee played by another person.

Likewise for a contract. It relates to provider played by a company and to customer played by a person.


contract sub relationship,
relates provider,
relates customer;
call sub relationship,
relates caller,
relates callee;
company sub entity,
plays provider;
person sub entity,
plays customer,
plays caller,
plays callee;

To define the attributes, we use the has keyword.


contract sub relationship,
relates provider,
relates customer;
call sub relationship,
relates caller,
relates callee,
has started-at,
has duration;
company sub entity,
plays provider,
has name;
person sub entity,
plays customer,
plays caller,
plays callee,
has first-name,
has last-name,
has phone-number,
has city,
has age,
has is-customer;

Lastly, we need to define the type of each attribute.


contract sub relationship,
relates provider,
relates customer;
call sub relationship,
relates caller,
relates callee,
has started-at,
has duration;
company sub entity,
plays provider,
has name;
person sub entity,
plays customer,
plays caller,
plays callee,
has first-name,
has last-name,
has phone-number,
has city,
has age,
has is-customer;

name sub attribute datatype string;
started-at sub attribute datatype date;
duration sub attribute datatype long;
first-name sub attribute datatype string;
last-name sub attribute datatype string;
phone-number sub attribute datatype string;
city sub attribute datatype string;
age sub attribute datatype long;
is-customer sub attribute datatype boolean;

Note that we don’t need to define any id attribute. Grakn takes care of that for us.

Save the schema.gql file. In a few minutes, we’ll have it loaded into a brand new Grakn keyspace.

Load and test the schema

So here it is, the schema for our phone_calls knowledge graph.

Schema for phone_calls

In order to load this schema in a keyspace, we first need to run the Grakn server.

1 — Download Grakn

For the rest of these instructions, I will assume that you have downloaded the Grakn zip file and navigated into the unzipped folder via terminal.

2 — Run the Grakn server:

./grakn server start

3 — Load the schema into a Grakn keyspace. Run:

./grakn console --keyspace phone_calls --file path/to/the/schema.gql

4 — Open the Graql console in interactive mode. Run:

./grakn console --keyspace phone_calls

5 — Make sure the schema is properly defined in our newly created knowledge graph. While in the Graql console, run:

match $x sub thing; get;

The result should be as follows:

{$x label thing;}
{$x label entity;}
{$x label relationship;}
{$x label attribute;}
{$x label company sub entity;}
{$x label person sub entity;}
{$x label call sub relationship;}
{$x label "@has-attribute" sub relationship;}
{$x label contract sub relationship;}
{$x label name sub attribute;}
{$x label started-at sub attribute;}
{$x label age sub attribute;}
{$x label city sub attribute;}
{$x label last-name sub attribute;}
{$x label first-name sub attribute;}
{$x label duration sub attribute;}
{$x label phone-number sub attribute;}
{$x label is-customer sub attribute;}
{$x label "@has-started-at" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-first-name" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-city" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-name" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-duration" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-age" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-last-name" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-phone-number" sub "@has-attribute";}
{$x label "@has-is-customer" sub "@has-attribute";}

To Recap

We started off by describing our dataset in the most natural way possible.

Next, we went on to visualise that dataset by how we perceive it in the real world.

Then, by identifying the Grakn concepts in the visualised schema, we went ahead and wrote our schema in Graql.

Lastly, we loaded the schema into a Grakn keyspace and ran a generic match query to ensure it was indeed loaded correctly.

Next: Migrate data into Grakn and Query for insights

Now that we have a model for our knowledge graph, aka. the schema, we can go ahead and migrate some actual data into it so that we can query for those insights.

Time to make a choice

Continue to migration with Node.js, Python or Java.

Continue to query with Node.js or Python (coming soon: Java).

