We now have Interest on 6 New Tokens, Integration with BitGo, an All New Design and lots of other updates!

Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2019

We know we’ve been quiet for a while, but here we are today with some exciting updates for you!


BitGo Integration | 6 New Tokens | All New Design | Updated Referral Program

BitGo Integration

The security of your tokens is our top (TOP) priority, and so, we have integrated with BitGo as a third-party custodian. All your tokens are now stored securely in BitGo

Addition of 6 most requested tokens

We have added 6 of the most requested tokens to the platform. You can now earn interest and take loans against a total of 10 tokens now, with the industry’s leading interest rates

Interest Rates for each token (+2%, if converted to fixed lending)

All New Design

This is a big one… We have completely revamped our design, to make your experience seamless and enjoyable on our platform. Do explore our new design and let us know what you think!

Updated Referral Program

Now you can refer your friends, and earn $5 in BTC for every person who joins using your link (and deposits $100). Check out our referral page and start earning!


Seed Funding | New Key Hires

Seed Funding

Funding is crucial for an early-stage company, and we are very happy to announce that we have completed our seed funding round. This gives us a long runway and ensures that we can build out the best experience for you.

New Key Hires

We have made some key hires to our team, so we can iterate quickly and efficiently on our product. We are very happy to have Anjani (Backend Developer), Vignesh (Full Stack Developer), Kora (Product Manager), and Sudip (UI/UX Designer) on our team.


APIs for Wallets & Lending | 24/7 Human Support

APIs for Wallets & Lending

We love partnerships, and what says love better than some seamless APIs for our partners… We have built out APIs for Wallets & Lending. The documentation is here, and you can reach out to us if you are interested!

24/7 Human Support

We are live on our chat support 24/7. Facing issues, have some feedback, want to chat about the crypto space? Just reach out to us, anytime.


Metamask Integration | Mobile APP | Hardware Wallets | Bank account transfers | Crypto <> Crypto exchange

We have a lot lined up for the coming months. We are integrating with Metamask and hardware wallets as well as partnering with exchanges and wallet providers so that their users can earn interest. And importantly, we are also going to enable bank transfer in top FIAT currencies for both borrowers and lenders, and bring in Crypto <> Crypto exchange so that you can exchange your tokens while still earning interest.


Vote for Tokens | Vote for FIATs | Get in Touch

Vote for the next tokens & FIATs

Token integration is always a continuous process. We are always looking to integrate with new, relevant tokens. So just respond to this post with the token you want to see, and we will integrate the most asked-for tokens in the next iteration.

And as we said, we are going to enable Bank Transfers for the top FIAT currencies. So just respond with the FIAT currency of your choice, and we will make sure that the most requested currency is ready with bank transfer capabilities.

Get in Touch

All our work is done hoping that our customers love the output. So we want to hear what you think. Do get in touch with us to leave feedback, raise issues or simply chat about the product. You can find us at hello@bankofhodlers.com or on Telegram (https://t.me/BankofHodlers). We are here to build better products for you.

Check us out at https://app.bankofhodlers.com/

Until the next update (which shouldn’t be too far :) )

