How to Shift in VAULT|VAULT 如何兌幣?

VAULT wallet
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2019

Shift feature is always one of the users’ favorite ones in VAULT.

You can easily shift between MITH and other currencies with just a few simple clicks.

If you haven’t tried “Shift” feature, let’s follow our step by step tutorial!

Step 1

After you log in to VAULT, go to “Shift” on the top of the website, or on the bottom of the App.

Select the currency you want to shift by clicking the currency icons. For example, if you want to shift MITH to ETH, then select MITH on the left of the arrow, and choose ETH on the right of the arrow. (VAULT currently supports 15 kinds of cryptocurrencies. Read VAULT Supported Token List to find out more.)

Here is a little tip, you can just click on the arrow between MITH and ETH to switch which cryptocurrency you want to shift to the other.

Step 2

Enter the amount you want to shift, and then click “Start shifting”.

For example, if you enter 10 MITH, it will calculate automatically the amount of ETH you’ll get in the box below.

*The rate is refreshed every 10 seconds.

When the shifting is done, a notification will pop up on the bottom left corner.

Step 3

Afterward, you can go to “Records” > Tab “Shift” to see each of your transaction progresses.

Now, sign up for VAULT to give it a go!

👉 Sign up / Download here:

兌幣功能一直是 VAULT 使用者們最喜愛的功能之一,用戶可以輕鬆地一鍵將 MITH 兌換成任一種 VAULT 有支援的貨幣(目前支援 15 種幣)。如果你還沒體驗過兌幣,可以參考我們以下的步驟教學!


登入 VAULT 帳號之後,點擊兌幣(Shift),VAULT 支援的所有幣種都可以互相兌換(延伸閱讀 VAULT 支援貨幣一覽表)。




選好幣種之後,輸入你要兌換的金額。確認金額後,點選開始兌幣(Start Shifting),就開始兌換囉!


*匯率每 10 秒更新一次。

步驟 3



👉 立刻註冊/下載 VAULT 體驗:

