Introducing- VAULT App | VAULT App 正式上線

VAULT wallet
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

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VAULT laid down its first milestone when the team added the three essential features: Funds, Shift, and Staking. A lot has changed since then, but our core mission has always remained the same: Make VAULT the go-to multi-cryptocurrency wallet and mobile transaction platform.

Becoming more accessible under a year of constant development- VAULT now supports a total of 14 different cryptocurrencies, enables face ID and touch ID to simplify the login process, not to mention the slick interface and other payment features can facilitate managing and spending cryptocurrencies at partner locations and applications.

Features that are launched with the new VAULT App:

  1. Funds
  2. Staking
  3. Shift(only Android)
  4. Records
  5. QR code

More exciting plans in the coming months ahead:

  1. Purchase
  2. VAULT Send
  3. KYC
  4. Records:「Reward」and「Purchase」can only be read on Web
  5. Reset Login/Fund password

眾所期待的 VAULT App 正式上線啦!

iOS 這裡下載


在 VAULT 上線將近一年以來,為了提供秘銀持幣者更大的方便性並且作爲輔助工具協助秘銀生態系的發展,我們陸續在 VAULT 增加了各種功能,除了剛開始的資金與兑幣、秘存,更增加了與商家合作的「消費」與獎勵碼等等。在幣種方面更是從基礎的秘銀幣、以太幣、比特幣,到現在已經支援高達 14 個幣種。

在不斷的發展之下,VAULT 如今也不只是當初那個僅是為了支援秘銀幣而誕生的數位資產錢包了。

VAULT 簡潔的操作介面、多幣種支援、即時兑幣、實體店家消費等多樣化的功能,都讓他躍升成為對新手來說最好上手的數位資產錢包、更陸續收到許多資深幣圈人的好評。

今日上線的 VAULT App 支援的功能包括:

  1. 資金
  2. 秘存
  3. 兑幣(僅 Android 可先使用)
  4. 紀錄
  5. 消費碼

Coming soon 敬請期待:

  1. 商家消費
  2. 秘轉
  3. KYC
  4. 紀錄:「獎勵」與「消費」資料僅能在 Web上讀取
  5. 重設 登入/資金密碼

以上功能如有需要使用,請先使用 Web 喔!我們會盡快完成這些功能的 App 版本。

