October 2020 Update

Oct 26, 2020


The Vault12 team has been busy adding new capabilities over the Summer, the biggest new capability is Digital Inheritance, which we have just launched. However there are also some other things that we put in under the hood.

  1. Digital Inheritance. This is a simple and easy way to pass on all kinds of digital assets to a designated Guardian, in the event of death, incapacitation and incarceration. For more information visit our product page, read our FAQ or review our “How it works” blog post.

2. Speed. Locking/Unlocking assets is 2X faster — however you must download the latest release and ask all your Guradians to do the same, in order to take advantage of the speed increase.

3. Pricing. We have taken a look at the pricing structure and realigned the plans so that it’s easy to try the product for free. It is simpler for a casual investor to use the product at the $19.99 equivalent per month price point, for instance removing restrictions relating to the number of Guardians. In addition, we’ve added capabilities for the security conscious investor who wants more storage, and more control over the security infrastructure at $199.99 quivalent per month price point.

We are also continuing the special offer for VGT holders where they get a 50% discount for funding their subscription plan with VGT, for themselves, for friends and family and for clients.

4. Tablets. We’ve updated the support for iOS and Android tablets to bring them in line with the mobile experience.

5. Language. We have added language support for German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian.




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