wallet713 v1.0.1 released

Daniel Lehnberg
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

Grin transaction proofs, Mining support, Send via file and HTTPS, and more

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A few weeks following our first binary, we’re glad to announce the v1.0.1 release of wallet713. In this version, which probably should have been more aptly named v1.1.0 (we’re still figuring out how to SemVer properly), we have a bunch of new features and functionality. See the binary download page for the detailed release notes, below are some of the highlights:

Grin Transaction Proofs

Transacting via grinbox now allows a sender to generate a proof which confirms that a certain grinbox address was sent a specific amount. Actual verification is done against Grin the blockchain. See the docs for more info.

Foreign and Owner API support

A feature requested by enterprise users and miners, wallet713 can now be used as a wallet to receive coinbase rewards from your miner via the Foreign API. And you are now able to interact with the wallet and issue commands over HTTP using the Owner API. Details in the documentation.

Send to HTTPS

We’ve turned on sending transactions via HTTPS now to make it easier to communicate with mining pools and exchanges that have yet to add grinbox support.

File-based transactions

Just like the default grin wallet, you are now able to generate slates as JSON files, which you can be sent between senders and receives using any means, like email or chat message applications.

Automatic grinbox re-connection

If your grinbox listener unexpectedly drops, it now automatically reconnects. This makes it easier for you to passively receive transactions.

This and many more bug fixes and improvements can be found in the latest version of wallet713. Download it now and give it a go!

vault713 is a development team that is building solutions to make it easy to store, send, and swap Grin. Press follow below to be part of the journey to make simple, and censorship-resistant electronic transactions widespread and usable.

