LRT Lend on VaultCraft

Supercharged LRT Money Markets with ION Protocol

2 min readMar 29, 2024



Introducing LRT Lend on VaultCraft, the first automated money market built in collaboration with Ion Protocol, allowing you to earn an additional yield on your ETH PLUS additional LRT and oVCX rewards.

Deposit 👉

The basics:

  • Earn ION rewards
  • Earn LRT rewards

The bonus:

  • Deposit with any bluechip asset
  • Boost your yield with oVCX rewards. oVCX is a call option that allows you to instantly arbitrage 33% on VCX 🚀

Exercise your oVCX for VCX and follow here:

How it works?

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Deposit on

What is ION Protocol?

Ion Protocol is a lending protocol, specifically built to support staked and restaked assets in a secure and capital-efficient manner. Ion enables users to deposit any validator-backed asset, such as Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs), Liquid Restaking Tokens, and more to come soon! By depositing in Ion, users can boost their exposure to the restaking ecosystem without incurring price-based liquidation risk and earn the highest ETH-denominated yield available to lenders today.

ION Protocol Audits

What’s so special about oVCX?

oVCX is a call option allowing you to buy and arb VCX for a 33% premium in perpetuity. How can you earn oVCX? Just by depositing into any Smart Vaults, including LRT Lend Smart Vaults. How can you supercharge your oVCX rewards? Here’s a step by step guide:

  1. Swap for ETH or WETH for VCX on Balancer:
  2. Pair VCX with WETH on Balancer:
  3. Lock the VCX LP on VaultCraft for up to 4 years for max voting power:
  4. Vote on which Smart Vault gauge you want to boost:
  5. ~1.8M oVCX is distributed weekly to liquidity providers in Smart Vaults. oVCX can be exercised and arbitraged for 33% premium on Balancer in perpetuity.

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