Stop going to startup events …

… and start going to industry events!

Alejandro Burato
VC & Startups


Most entrepreneurship and start-up related events are good with a dose of balance. If you are a wannabe entrepreneur looking for ideas or your next project, or if you are a startup currently raising a round of financing, they make total sense.

As soon as you manage to raise money or find your project, it start making less and less sense as time goes by. Why? Let’s assume your idea has a business model (always good to have one!) then you are probably doing some product development. Great. As you build that, you also want to start thinking about customers (nowadays they like to call it users). There are all sort on online and offline business development and marketing strategies that might suit your project. One of them is something called industry events. If you start-up caters a specific industry/vertical, you better start looking at those events as a place whee you have potential customers all in one room, usually focused solely on the event. Do more of those events and less of the entrepreneurial ones.

Don’t worry. Once you sell your business for millions you can get back to the entrepreneur events, and even tell your successful story.

