[RECAP] AMA 26th Nov. 2021: Comprehensive Digital Transformation: Finance to Spirit

Vconomics - Decentralized Digital Economy
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2021

In the 4th AMA on November 26, 2021, the founding team of Vconomics and Mr. Amit Sharma, representative of Rainbow Financial Vietnam had a great talk about Comprehensive Digital Transformation: Finance to Spirit. Also, they introduced financial and technological solutions of practical values that Vconomics and Rainbow will bring to the community.

1. Details

Time: 13:00 UTC 26 Nov. 2021

Format: Livestream Facebook


Mr. Nguyen The Cuong: Co-Founder, CEO of Vconomics

Mr. Tran Duc Thong: Co-Founder, CTO of Vconomics

Anh Amit Sharma: CMO & Business Head Marketplace Rainbow Financial Vietnam

Ms. Dang Thi Kieu Oanh: Z.com and Tenten.vn Assistant

2. Recap

Host: Mr. Sharma, could you please introduce about yourself, as well as the reason why you became Vconomics partner?

Amit Sharma, Rainbow Financial Vietnam: It’s my pleasure to represent Rainbow Group joining the AMA and sharing about digital transformation. Rainbow applies technology in its financial products, and Vconomics is an extremely suitable partner to increase customer experience.

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Host: How has education changed especially after the Covid-19 pandemic?

Co-Founder, CEO of Vconomics: Apparently since Covid-19, classes are conducted online. In near future, we wil launch Vacademy feature that offers super short financial courses. In fact, the courses available in the market last for months, even a year, and they require learners to fully participate. This creates hesitation and frustration for students. Thanks to the core product Vscore which rates users’ credit scoring, Vacademy can recommend micro-courses tailored to individual needs and improve the financial health of users.

Host: Are you familiar with any kind of financial or technology service that supports couples in particular and young people in general?

Amit Sharma, Rainbow Financial Vietnam: For students, we have financial literacy courses that prepare for their future. Couples also have a wide range of consumer financial apps and products to assist stages of love. Technology plays an important role in building personalized products according to the life of each individual.

Amit Sharma: CMO & Business Head Marketplace Rainbow Financial Vietnam.

Host: In the unprecedented quick pace of digital transformation, what values do Vconomics and Rainbow Financial Vietnam bring to users? What financial services that we have been providing users so far?

Amit Sharma, Rainbow Financial Vietnam: We are strategic partners in the market and provide innovative financial products. Vconomics is a platform that allows users to interact with the digital world, their technology expertise along with market insights researched by Rainbow will set our products apart from normal insurance packages. For example, we have launched a new product in the digital era: digital identity protection.

Co-Founder, CEO of Vconomics: In near future, MyInsure and Vconomics will bring Vconomics users insurance packages for digital identity, motorbike and cancer which are extremely useful.

Host: Digital transformation Finance has a precedent, while spirit is a rather abstract and diverse aspect. What does Vconomics do to transform spiritual life?

Co-Founder & CTO: Together with Vfactory and Vex assisting NFT creation and exchange, Vuniverse in Vconomics ecosystem will further digitalize your spiritual life. We have a Videa that captures even the craziest ideas and saves them transparently on blockchain network. Also, there is love insurance Vlove where couples express their commitments. These commitments are made on Blockchain and smart contracts with transparency and are not dependent on subjective processes of individuals or organizations. Depending on bilateral agreement, when the commitment is violated, the smart contract will automatically follow the processes without users spending much time and effort.

Co-Founder & CEO: It can be included in a couple’s future financial planning. The benefits that the insurance package brings will encourage durability and long-lasting love.

Host: Could you give us some insights about potential of micro-insurance market, Mr. Sharma?

Amit Sharma, Rainbow Financial Vietnam: Micro-insurance has just penetrated Vietnamese market. Customers only need the most simple, specific, flexible and relevant products, thus, financial service providers need to research and offer packages that are tailored to each individual’s needs. For example we have insurance packages for phone screen, trip, baggage, even delivery insurance for online shopping parcels.

Host: What differentiates Vconomics insurances from traditional ones?

Co-Founder & CTO: Vconomics digitalizes insurance products on Blockchain: conditions of a package are executed automatically without the participation of 3rd parties like any organization or individual. Working with insurance companies and receiving claims is time-consuming but with Smart Contracts, the process of checking, approving conditions and paying claims is done automatically, transparently, which saves time and costs for users.

Co-Founder & CEO: Vconomics provides insurance for your spirit life. However, by collaborating with partners like Rainbow, we can offer a wide range of personalized digital financial solutions that meet specific requirements.

Host: Does relying too much on spiritual digital transformation solutions cause people to lose basic connection and interaction?

Co-Founder & CTO: After Covid-19 pandemic with everything going back to its normal, we can categorize daily tasks into different groups: things that should be done with the team with the support of technology, and things that can fully be digitalized. Each individual needs to balance the level of technology involvement in his or her life.

Co-Founder & CEO: In addition, it is important to define your goal because it is more important than the method. If your goal is to be protected, just get as much protection as possible regardless of it being a traditional one or an online one. In the technology era where people spend a lot of time in the digital environment, it is better to use solutions for cyberspace such as digital identity protection.

3. To conclude

The 4th issue of the AMA with the the guest speaker Mr. Amit Sharma has received a huge amount of attention, interaction and questions from the audience. Hopefully this summary will give you interesting insights into spiritual digital transformation, as well as useful financial and technology products. Don’t miss the next issue of AMA with the interesting topic of “Discipline in Crypto Investment”.

Vconomics — Decentralized Digital Economy

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Vconomics - Decentralized Digital Economy

Vconomics is a virtual environment that simulates the digital economy in a narrow scope for users to interact and visualize the digital economy in the future