10 Reasons Why “Jabal Amman” is the Best Place for your Startup in Jordan

Ahmad Takatkah
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2012

Finally, there is a place in Amman that can be considered the Silicon Valley of Jordan, or even, of Arabia! But it’s not exactly a Valley this time, it’s a mountain. If you are starting a company, you have to be located in “Jabal Amman”, and this is why:

1. Low Cost Offices

It has those old buildings and office spaces that no big corporations are interested to rent anymore, so they’re cheap. Cheaper than any office in West Amman.

2. Free Internet Access Everywhere

Even if you don’t have an office yet, you can work in any Cafe or Restaurant there. They all have free internet access, and they don’t give you that look when you stay there for 5 hours and order only one tea. Even if the place is small and full. They encourage their customer to share tables, so they still make good money.

3. Lots of Affordable Cafes and Restaurants

If you walk down the Rainbow Street, you will find a good number of really good cozy cafes and restaurants. There are Tea Cafes, Coffee Houses, Shisha Cafes, Falafel, Shawerma and Pizza Restaurants, etc…

4. Entrepreneurs Hub

It’s really becoming like Palo Alto! Wherever you go, you can definitely find individuals or groups of young people who work on their laptops and discussing their websites or mobile apps. You can ask for advice or share your experience with others. You can also find co-founders in there.

5. Techies Hub

People there are friendly and easy to start a conversation with! It is the place to discuss your new product or service and get early adopters. Those people are really active on social media, and they can become active marketers or evangelists for your app if they like it and start using it.

6. Meet VCs

Yes, VCs and angel investors hangout there too. So you can meet people from N2V Invest, N2V Labs, StartAppz, Oasis500, MENA Investments, Dash Ventures, IV-Holding, Zad Capital, Bedaya Angel Network and many other VCs from Arabia who visit Rainbow Street whenever they’re in town.

7. Social Activities

In summer, you can go out of your office and have a nice walk in Souq Jara, participate in the Orange Festival, or attend one of the many Meetups or Tweetups to meet new like minded people.

8. Have Fun

In summer too, you can enjoy one of the Street Music Shows by the crazy young artists all over the place, enjoy one of the Street Standup Comedy shows, or simply enjoy the view of the old city and Citadel.

9. Good Location in the Heart of Amman

It is located between East Amman and West Amman, with available local transportation. So it’s easy for anyone to go there.

10. And Finally, You Don’t have to Leave to Pray

Almost all Cafes there have a place where you can pray, they don’t say: Sorry, we have no place to pray! So you don’t have to take your stuff and leave every time you want to pray, and it is always safe to leave your surf on the table while praying, nobody touches them. Moreover, there is an old mosque in the middle of Rainbow Street, that is open all day long, if you want to go to.



Ahmad Takatkah

At the intersection of VC & Data. Passion for FinTech, ML, AI, & Web3. Managing Director at KingsCrowd Capital. Ex: Carta, ArzanVC, LeapVC ::: A Kauffman Fellow