Who’s Investing In America’s Startups? VC Partners Stats

(Race, Gender, Education, Experience)

Ahmad Takatkah
4 min readFeb 19, 2019


Dataset Description:

The full dataset is available in this shared Google Sheet.

The dataset lists all US-based investment VC partners from 15 of the top US VC firms, with a total of 190 partners and more than $70 billion of managed funds.

For the purpose of this analysis, non-investment partners, venture partners, VPs, principals, associates and analysts were excluded.

Data Sources:

The data were collected from publicly available sources including: VC Firm’s websites (team pages), LinkedIn (partners profiles), CrunchBase (amounts of funds raised and number of investments), Articles about Partners, Online Genealogy Companies (family name origins and race data), and Wikipedia.

Summary Stats of VC Firms In Sample

Summary Stats (by Firm)


Number of Partners by Race (by Firm)
% of Partners by Race (All Firms)
Number of Newly Hired Partners by Race over Time (All Firms)


Number of Partners by First Major They Studied (All Firms) (Majors of > 1 Partner)

Top University

Number of Partners by Top University They Attended (All Firms) (Universities of > 1 Partner)


Number of Partners by Gender (by Firm)
% of Partners by Gender (by Firm)
% of Partners by Gender (All Firms)
Number of Newly Hired Partners by Gender over Time (All Firms)

Startup Founder Experience

Number of Partners by Startup Founder Experience (by Firm)
% of Partners by Startup Founder Experience (by Firm)
% of Partners by Startup Founder Experience (All Firms)
Number of Newly Hired Partners by Startup Founder Experience over Time (All Firms)

Investment Banking Experience

Number of Partners by Investment Banking Experience (by Firm)
% of Partners by Investment Banking Experience (by Firm)
% of Partners by Investment Banking Experience (All Firms)
Number of Newly Hired Partners by Investment Banking Experience over Time (All Firms)


Number of Partners by having an MBA Degree (by Firm)
% of Partners by having an MBA Degree (by Firm)
% of Partners by Having an MBA Degree (All Firms)
Number of Newly Hired Partners by Having an MBA Degree over Time (All Firms)

Race + Gender

Female Partners by Race (All Firms)
Male Partners by Race (All Firms)

Education + Gender

Number of Female Partners by First Major They Studied (All Firms)
Number of Male Partners by First Major They Studied (All Firms)

Top Universities + Gender

Number of Female Partners by Top University They Attended (All Firms)
Number of Male Partners by Top University They Attended (All Firms) (Universities of > 1 Partner)

Startup Founder Experience + Gender

Female Partners by Startup Founder Experience (All Firms)
Male Partners by Startup Founder Experience (All Firms)

Investment Banking Experience + Gender

Female Partners by Investment Banking Experience (All Firms)
Male Partners by Investment Banking Experience (All Firms)

MBA + Gender

Female Partners by Having an MBA Degree (All Firms)
Male Partners by Having an MBA Degree (All Firms)

There might be mistakes in the data (depending on data integrity of used sources). If you find any incorrect data, or if you would like to add more firms/partners to this list, please leave a comment in the Google Sheet linked above. This will help improve the accuracy of this analysis for all.



Ahmad Takatkah

At the intersection of VC & Data. Passion for FinTech, ML, AI, & Web3. Managing Director at KingsCrowd Capital. Ex: Carta, ArzanVC, LeapVC ::: A Kauffman Fellow