Despite the fact that the number of used IoT devices is growing every day, their security leaves much to be desired

Despite the fact that the number of IoT devices used is growing every day, their security leaves much to be desired-today such devices can be easily hacked. This fact is the main obstacle to the large-scale use of IoT devices around the world.

In addition, today they have a very poor compatibility with each other. Another disadvantage is the centrality of IoT devices, the operation and management of which is quite expensive for users. In this case, if any of the service providers fail — it can happen throughout the network as a whole.

All these problems and vulnerabilities have been taken into account by VeCap project, which will use modern blockchain technology to solve them. Using this technology, the team will be able to lower the entry threshold for different users of the network and provide them with the highest level of security.

Decentralization, in turn, will allow you to connect to the network a huge number of different devices without traffic and service provider or server. The use of a centralized system will provide the ability to store a history of connections and the data on the blockchain and make the break-in by hackers is virtually impossible. It is through the use of such a system that companies specializing in various areas of the Internet of things will be able to get the most out of it.

Much more interesting information about the project VeCap can be found on our website!

