Information Security

Nowadays, the issue of information security is relevant not only for computers, household appliances and mobile gadgets. Today, this topic is also closely related to “smart homes”. And although modern laptops and smartphones have a fairly good security system, in the case of systems for the computerization of the home, the situation is somewhat different.

In fact, a “smart home” is a home in which the entire infrastructure — electricity, heating, locks, climate control and other elements — is connected into a single network controlled by a Central server and connected to the Internet in any way. This allows the owners of the house to manage the entire infrastructure or monitor its condition with the help of any mobile gadget or computer, even outside the house.

Throughout the existence of these systems, they are actively studied by experts in the field of information security. And the results of these studies to date are disappointing, as they demonstrate serious security problems. A number of studies confirm that vulnerabilities in system components allow serious external attacks not only on the home network and connected devices, but also on home components.

Most intruders aim not only to gain access and damage the infrastructure of the house, but also to steal funds from the house. Therefore, it is most likely that attacks on the weaknesses of the system will be carried out in order to gain access to the valuable data stored inside the computer, to monitor the residents of the house and to ensure physical access to it. If the locks on the doors of the house are also included in the vulnerable system of “smart home”, it becomes a very simple and solvable task for the attacker. In addition, in this case, the attacker can also block all entrances and exits from the house and extort money from the owners for unlocking.

Thus, it is impossible to fully trust your home to computer systems l. It is worth noting that if the manufacturers of these systems will be able to redirect part of their efforts from marketing to the development of products in the field of security, then create a protected from hacking system will not be difficult for them. Therefore, today, choosing between a “smart home”, the doors of which can be opened via the Internet, and a house which doors can not be opened by anyone, preference should be given to the second option.

You can read how to resolve the problem of vulnerability of IoT devices by the project VeCap on our official website

