Internet of Things

The concept of the “Internet of Things” is quite new, which causes a number of differences in its interpretation. Many consider the Internet of things to be the abstract technology of the future to increase efficiency and optimize sales. Others believe that the Internet of things already exists and is actively integrated into mobile networks and web applications. Still others refer to the Internet of things as the interaction of smart objects with each other on the network. However, in fact, the Internet of things is a way of distributing web devices in all industries.

According to statistics from Google, the query “IoT” is accompanied by millions of transitions on a monthly basis. It is expected that by 2020, from 20 to 50 billion connected IOT devices will operate worldwide. Today, companies are paying more and more attention to the Internet of things to stimulate its growth in the future. However, today IoT is quite difficult to use a set of services and technologies.

The possibilities of using the Internet of things are huge. These include the automation of industrial production and housing and communal services, the construction of deployed physical security systems, traffic management, the formation of procurement lists and supply schedules for enterprises, the collection and management of data for various purposes (both marketing and to improve living standards). Most modern companies consider the prospects of using IoT solutions to be an obvious advantage in the competition in the market and strive to implement them in their practice. In their opinion, it will help companies to be 10% more profitable than competitors in 10 years.

However, the situation in this market is not as cloudless as it might seem. There are a number of difficulties in the distribution of IoT device systems. First of all, it is the integration of these devices with existing devices and systems. In addition, the use of the Internet of things requires huge resources to store and manage data. Also, the development of these systems requires the development and implementation of common international standards of device compatibility. This situation is complicated, among other things, by the lack of ready-to-implement configurations and qualified specialists who could implement and maintain IoT systems.

But the main problem of development and IoT is the heavy consequences as a result of a successful hacker attack of the system, the prevention of which requires very high standards of cybersecurity. Early IoT devices have already been widely criticized for their vulnerability, which has led to the possibility of personal data collection, loss of control over managed devices and invasion of privacy. This invasion is particularly dangerous in the health sector, where life-saving medical equipment is at risk.

Thus, the issue of security of IoT systems is today the most important issue that worries customers interested in IOT devices. The development of high-quality protection systems for such devices will help IOT devices to develop and increase sales exponentially.

On site you can find information about the proposal for IoT systems security from VeCap

