Our Blockchain-Solution — Vecap

The hackers’ delight.

Where the IoT manufacturers have failed, Vecap has succeeded. Up until this point, the security of smart home systems around the world depended on the strength of the individual devices. Without a standard networking protocol to unite routers, consoles, smart TVs and other appliances, the hackers have a pretty easy task ahead of them.

All they have to is isolate one vulnerable node on your home network to intercept the communication between the devices via an internet connection, and that’s it: the control of your life is surrendered to criminals. Unfortunately for them, Vecap has figured out how to stop this nightmare from coming true.

How it works

If you’re reading this, you will undoubtedly have already heard about how new technologies like blockchain and smart contracts will change the world in ways most people can’t even imagine. Vecap has combined these two innovations to protect individual devices in your network, and as a consequence, smart homes everywhere.

