VECAP’s thead appeared on the Bitcointalk

Today we want to tell you about the Bitcointalk — the oldest and the largest Internet forum dedicated to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

The website appeared on the Internet in 2009, when the price per a Bitcoin was just one tenth of a cent. Since then, the price of the most famous cryptocurrency has grown.

Bitcointalk was originally created by Satoshi Nakamoto, the “father” of bitcoin, a man whose true identity is unknown (who knows, maybe it’s not just one person, but a group of people who operate under the same nickname). Before creating Bitcointalk, Satoshi used the SourceForge forum to discuss issues related to Bitcoin. Unfortunately, this forum is not available anymore.

By the way, the profile of Satoshi on Bitcointalk can be found today — the last time he logged in his account was on December 13, 2010 (here’s the link to his profile;u=3)

One of Satoshi’s last posts before he eventually disappeared was regarded to WikiLeaks. It says: “It would have been nice to get this attention in any other context. WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us. “

Now there are more than 2,5 million users has already signed up, and by far posted about 49 million messages in total. Since the creation of Bitcointalk, the content of the site has been viewed by several billion times. On average, 403 new users sign up every day. was written using an open-source software algorithm called SMF, but the design and functionality of the forum have not changed since the first publication …

Just a few days ago, a thread of VECAP appeared on the forum and we will be very happy to see all our subscribers in our section on Bitcointalk and invite you to express your opinion and ask questions.

