What contributed to the emergence of IoT and why will it grow?

An important event in the emergence of the concept and the term of IoT took place in 1999, when the management of Procter & Gamble attended a presentation which described how the comprehensive implementation of radio frequency tags could radically change the supply chain management system in the corporation. Such a possibility aroused an ardent interest. Internet of things (IoT) enables communication and interaction between different devices (equipment, products, goods) as a part of a single system and environment. The world has been striving towards this for decades.

Nowadays, the Internet of things has become an integral part of many people’s lives. Due to the emergence of wireless networks and the introduction of new connected devices people have surrounded themselves with a network infrastructure, which in turn solves the problems that previously had to be solved independently. According to a large number of forecasts from analysts, with the growth of connected devices the concept of the “Internet of things” will expand. At the moment, fifteen years after the appearance of IoT, the Internet of things has become among the most popular high-tech technologies. Probably in the very near future the boundaries between the Internet of things and the regular Internet will disappear completely and there will be something new and universal. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves!

