What is VeCap ecosystem?

VeCap ecosystem is a marketplace where hardware manufacturers can sell their products, raise funds for their development, and communicate with customers. Also, the ecosystem will include VeCap Fund to support the initiatives of manufacturers of hardware devices.

What are the components of VeCap ecosystem?

> Hardware online store

Equipment manufacturers will be able to promote and sell their products through VeCap store.

> Crowdfunding platform

Each manufacturer will be able to apply to raise funds for a new product, which will allow them to speed up the development process and meet customer requirements.

> Community

Social media platform that allows to improve interaction with customers.

> VeCap Foundation to support manufacturers’ initiatives

VeCap will also act as an investor in the development of the most promising products.

To learn more about the platform VeCap — visit the official website of our project at the link https://vecap.io/.

