Announcing The 2023 VeChain Foundation Steering Committee Elections

VeChain Official
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2023

The global economy has been subjected to a near-unprecedented string of macro impacts in recent years. From the COVID-19 pandemic that brought the world to a standstill to geopolitical turmoil in Europe, supply chain disruptions, soaring inflation and an ongoing economic downturn — times have been testing.

The VeChain Foundation is resilient, though. Despite the headwinds, we still hold a vast Treasury worth ~$400 million USD and built an even stronger base with new tools, technologies and partners, with plenty more to come.

We launched a formal rebrand, our sustainability mission and opened new Headquarters and Technology Centres on European soil, in San Marino and Ireland respectively. We’ve seen fast growth in Foundation developer headcounts and the implementation of PoA2.0 and its Finality gadget, a first for a Proof of Authority blockchain.

We’re pushing, full force, in pursuit of our objective to lead real-world adoption of public blockchain technology and be the champions of digital sustainability initiatives.

With 2023 beginning, we felt the time was right to maintain the positive progress and kick off Steering Committee elections, further decentralising the core of VeChainThor’s governance model.

VeChain Foundation Steering Committee Elections — Decentralising Governance on VeChainThor

The VeChain Foundation is an organisation solely committed to the development and advancement of the VeChain ecosystem, including the blockchain, core technologies, grants, marketing and community. As described in our whitepaper, the Board of Steering Committee is the governing body of the VeChain Foundation and forms a key aspect of decision making. Steering Committee members are selected by community Stakeholders with Voting Authority and are responsible for laying out critical strategies and overseeing the operational units of the Foundation.

We kick off the elections at an important moment for the Foundation. A core objective is delivering our ‘Go Sustainability’ mandate, building out infrastructure that allows Web2 companies across the globe to achieve their sustainability objectives leveraging the power of blockchain. As a member of the Steering Committee, you will guide the Foundation, propose strategies and make key decisions that ultimately help deliver those goals.

VeChainThor is much more than a sustainable platform — it is the world’s first real-world-able public blockchain actively building and deploying sustainability-related applications driving real economic value. With many projects, tools and technologies in the developmental pipeline, we’re enabling true digital-sustainability and taking Web3 to the real economy. Accordingly, the Steering Committee should consist of professionals with individual expertise that enhances and furthers this mission.

Join The Steering Committee and Build The Future Global Economy

To be considered as a candidate for the Steering Committee, there are criteria and procedures that must be fulfilled, as outlined in our whitepaper.

Firstly, potential candidates must formally submit their applications. The link to the relevant form can be found here: Applicants must undergo KYC to verify their identities and to ensure compliance with the terms of candidacy.

Once approved, prospective candidates will do an AMA and share their agenda with the community, detailing their experience, rationale for applying and vision for the future of the VeChain Foundation. After this process, the community will cast votes for their chosen candidates using the VeVote platform.

Following the completion of the election and confirmation of the new Committee, the successful individuals will be announced and the elections will be over!

To summarise, the electoral procedure will be:

Announcement > Application > KYC > AMA > All-Stakeholder vote > Results

New Year, New Foundation

Decentralising the core of decision making at the VeChain Foundation is a huge step towards seeing VeChainThor become the preeminent public blockchain of choice. The Foundation is well-positioned for regulations, real world adoption and a tidal wave of opportunities that will come in 2023 and beyond.

We’re excited to invite the VeChain Community to join us as key players and stakeholders for this exciting new chapter. With many exciting initiatives to be unveiled in the first quarter of 2023 alone, it’s going to be a fantastic year for the VeChainThor blockchain. We’re excited to witness the growth phase of blockchain technology begin in earnest.

About The VeChain Foundation

The VeChain Foundation, headquartered in San Marino, Europe, is the non-profit organisation behind the development of VeChainThor, a world leading smart contract platform spearheading the real world adoption of blockchain technology.

By leveraging the capabilities of ‘trustless’ data (information without intermediaries), smart contracts and IoT technologies, VeChainThor has delivered solutions in a wide array of fields, and now turns its attention to arguably the greatest challenge of all — building technologies and ecosystems to drive true sustainability and digital transformation at global scale.

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VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution