Announcing the VeChain Community Video Contest 2021: Why PoA, Why VeChain, Why Are We Different

VeChain Official
Published in
6 min readJul 29, 2021

Only submissions between July 29th 2021, 22:00 (UTC+8) — August 31st 2021, 22:00 (UTC+8) will be accepted. After tweeting with #VeChainVideoContest, submit your details and the video link using this survey form here.

Since the launch of VeChainThor in early 2017, the VeChain Foundation has always placed our community at the forefront of our strategic plans. We are proud to have gathered such an amazing global community, with great appreciation and understanding of VeChain’s vision and strategy. Our treasured community has been a huge boon to our development, and deserves more opportunities to be rewarded.

As a display of our gratitude, back in January 2020, we celebrated the 2nd Year Anniversary of the VeChainThor Mainnet with a series of events, culminating in the first VeChain Community Video Contest. The top 5 winners were selected through the VeVote platform and shared a guaranteed prize pool worth $42,000 at the time.

This year, we are increasing the prize pool even further!

By creating a video about VeChain and participating in this year’s contest, you will have the chance to be rewarded from a total prize pool of $50,000! (Paid in VET tokens).

Officially launching the VeChain Community Video Contest 2021!

We encourage you to exercise your creative thinking and skills to create an informative and high-quality video. Please see below for additional guidance:

  • The ideal video length is between 2–10 mins
  • Any language is welcome, but closed captions must be enabled and be in English
  • Content must be G-rated (references to pornographic, racist, illegal, profanity, drugs, political, or otherwise inappropriate videos will automatically disqualify your video from the competition)
  • Videos not related to VeChain will be automatically disqualified
  • Content must conform to all copyright laws. Only use images and materials that you own, have purchased the copyright for, or conforms to fair use principles

Video Content

The theme of this year’s video contest is to produce content related to why VeChain is the best public blockchain on the market.

VeChain has a wealth of unique, advanced technical features that set it far apart from other public blockchains. We want your help in developing content that showcases these advanced features, showcasing exactly why VeChain is so far ahead of the market on the path to mass adoption. The best entrants will win cash prizes!

As examples, please see the following topics (you may focus on any combination of the below, or choose your own and get creative).

  • VeChain’s position in public blockchain landscape
  • How VeChain’s technical features far exceed the competition
  • VeChain ToolChain™’s 3-layer business model
  • A brief summary of what is PoA consensus / why PoA is for enterprise mass adoption
  • How VeChain ToolChain™ enable partners such as DNV and PwC to implement VeChain-powered solutions for their own clients
  • VeChain in real business scenarios including: Food industry, sustainability, anti-COVID19 etc
  • Why you should make your dApp and project on VeChainThor
  • VeChain’s eNFT ecosystem and its potential
  • VeChain tokenomics explanation how it relates to VeChain’s growth (VET/VTHO token model, governance model, voting, X nodes, Economic Nodes)
  • How everything above ties together to make VeChain the best public blockchain platform for both enterprise adoption and developers to build their projects and dApps

The key factor is that the video clearly makes the case that VeChainThor is the best public blockchain in the market, detailing how and why.

Prizes & Honours

Follow these steps:

  1. Create your video and upload it onto your YouTube channel
  2. In your video description, you must include the hashtag #VeChainVideoContest and provide all sources used for the creation of the video. Provide a brief description of your video as well.
  3. Post the YouTube link on Twitter with hashtag #VeChainVideoContest and do not forget to mention @vechainofficial in your tweet.
  4. Submit your details and the video link using this survey form here. After submission, your video will be internally checked and reviewed by the contest team. Once approved, it will be added to our Community Video Contest Submissions public YouTube playlist.
  5. Please mark your video as “not for kids” during your video upload when prompted by YouTube. This will allow us to add your video to our playlist.
  6. You must advertise and post your video to technology, business, blockchain, crypto, NFT and other relevant social media channels such as Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, etc. to generate more discussion and attention to your video. Don’t forget to include your own call-to-action for viewers to watch the video, such as the tagging of your friends, other KOLs, etc.

Only submissions between July 29th 2021, 22:00 (UTC+8) — August 19th 2021, 22:00 (UTC+8) will be accepted. After tweeting with #VeChainVideoContest, submit your details and the video link using this survey form here.

Top 10 Finalists Selection Criteria and VeVote Ranking:

The videos you submit will be judged by the Community, VeChain team, and selected partners of VeChain. VeChain holds the right to add additional qualified judges.

VeChain and partners will assess the videos based on this criteria:

  • 30% Correctness (Description of the video should include sources used)
  • 30% Creativity, Presentation and Quality
  • 40% General Impressions, Community Impact and Social Reach

The above criteria will be used to choose 10 videos that VeChain deems the best out of all submissions, from which the community can choose their favorite winners:

  • On August 19th, 2021, the Top 10 videos will be announced, and there will be a decentralized VeVote community poll held to determine the final rankings
  • The final ranking of the winners will be determined based on the number of votes received

This community vote will be open to all stakeholders who are eligible to vote on the VeVote platform. More details on the community voting process will be announced. Make sure to prepare your node for voting!

Terms And Conditions For Event Participation

  • Each person is only entitled to one (1) chance to win a Prize.
  • The following persons are not entitled to participate and are disqualified from the Contest:

(a) Employees of VeChain and their immediate family members (i.e. spouse and children);

(b) Employees or staff of advertising and promotional agencies of VeChain and any other parties which are directly involved in organising, promoting and/or conducting the Contest, as determined by VeChain.

(c) Group entries are allowed, but must be clearly stated in the video description and will be considered as 1 (one) entry only

  • In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, VeChain Foundation reserves the right to intervene to ensure the intent and spirit of the competition is upheld.
  • All decisions made by the VeChain Foundation are final. VeChain Foundation reserves the right to amend and/or modify the rules and guidelines stated in this article at any given time.

Content and Links for References



VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution