Enterprise-Grade Public Blockchain Solution Provider VeChain Creates New SaaS Products For China’s Digital Carbon Emissions Market

VeChain Official
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2021

The increasing impact of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere and their perturbation of the climatic order are necessitating a major overhaul of how humanity emits waste gases. All countries and industries now face tough targets for reducing atmospheric pollution. China is arguably facing the greatest challenge of all, having vowed to reach net-zero emissions by 2060, with carbon emissions peaking no later than 2030. As per the targets laid out in China’s 14th five-year plan, there is very little room for emissions increases from current levels out to 2025.

With the commencement of China’s 9th National Low-carbon Day, the government looked set to back even more radical reductions targets, dedicating a special week to a ‘green push’ and encouraging public participation. VeChain, with its array of mature blockchain technologies, intends to help catalyze the digitalization of carbon data and help facilitate China’s emissions reductions ambitions.

A Global First: VeChain’s Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS Platform

VeChain’s brand new Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS Service is a powerful, rapidly deployable tool, enabling enterprises of all sizes to re-engineer their carbon footprint data management practices. This new offering is also the first of its kind to benefit from the combination of decentralized ledger technology and an SaaS business model.

Brands and their upstream counterparts must abide by ‘green’ protocols and report emissions data as part of their ongoing operations. Unfortunately, not all data can be proven legitimate or be independently verified and so there is a pervasive issue of distrust in carbon emissions data as well as a lack of transparency. Public blockchain provides an elegant solution to this problem and, when combined with IoT technologies and data quality assurance services, neatly addresses the challenge of trustlessly collecting carbon emissions data from the many participants of a supply chain.

Alexandre Gellert Paris, Associate Programme Officer at UNFCCC noted that: “Blockchain can contribute to greater stakeholder involvement, transparency and engagement and help bring trust and further innovative solutions to the fight against climate change, leading to enhanced climate action.”

Pairing Sustainability With Accountability And Trust

Supply chains are team efforts by their very nature, just as interconnectedness is a core function of blockchain. VeChain’s Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS Service allows enterprise users to log key data and integrate it with world-leading third party assurance providers within VeChain’s partnership network. This data can then be later transformed into new kinds of value and improve sustainability performance across the entirety of an organization.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives have become a massive global focus since the COVID-19 outbreak began. In the rapidly reshaping Chinese market, rising awareness of these goals are playing an ever-more crucial role in consumers’ purchasing decisions. VeChain’s services provide an opportunity for businesses to amplify transparency and dramatically change the way consumers view carbon labelling. By leveraging VeChain’s intuitive Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS platform, business owners are able to provide end users with full oversight of carbon data and green claims, far beyond the final label.

It is abundantly clear that the world is digitising and decision-making is becoming ever more data driven. The digitalization of carbon is no exception. VeChain’s blockchain-based Digital Carbon Footprint SaaS Service provides a comprehensive and scalable platform for any enterprise to be able to better calculate, track and report their carbon reduction initiatives across the entire value chain.



VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution