SafeTech Labs Deploys Thor Mainnet Node Clusters In Europe, United States, Supporting Developers And The VechainThor Blockchain

VeChain Official
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2023

Vechain’s mission is building robust foundational blockchain infrastructure and driving Web3 adoption throughout the global economy. Achieving this demands a resilient network with reliable accessibility for developers and enterprises building decentralised solutions.

Today, we’re pleased to share we’ve joined forces with talented collaborators, SafeTech Labs, to deploy mainnet node clusters across Europe and the United States, increasing the resilience and robustness of the VechainThor public blockchain. Only by embracing the spirit of Web3 and decentralising infrastructure building can blockchains truly thrive.

Safe Infrastructure

SafeTech Labs, the company behind and the newly spun up Thor mainnet nodes, are experts in the development and management of blockchain-related technologies and consultation. They specialise in Web3 API Gateway, blockchain & Dapp development, designing hardware infrastructure, and security engineering to power the digital transformation of business processes.

Safe Tech Labs deployed three sets of Thor node clusters in Europe and the US, increasing the diversity of mainnet access points for developers and increasing reliability of other infrastructure, such as vechain’s VeWorld Web Wallet, providing users additional nodes in case of connectivity issues.

With this infrastructure upgrade, vechain and SafeTech Labs are collaborating to ensure the most seamless experience possible for users of the VechainThor public blockchain.

Diverse Application Builders

SafeTech Labs is an established technical solutions builder, with a portfolio that extends beyond the implementation.

They are the company behind Inheriti®, the world’s first 100% decentralised backup and inheritance platform, SafeSwap, an Atomic Swap protocol enabling Cross-Chain capabilities for digital assets between vechain and other leading blockchains, and SafeKey, a hardware device providing secure logins for online accounts, storage of passwords as well as cold storage for distributed data shares. All solutions brought to market by Safe Haven.

Learn more about SafeTech’s other products and offerings, here, and see SafeHaven’s website, here.

Collaboration, The Key to Web3

As the era of blockchain unfolds and adoption of decentralised technologies picks up pace, collaborations on network infrastructure becomes key, and serves to increase the resilience and strength of public blockchains. By working hand in hand with experts like SafeTech Labs, vechain is shoring up its infrastructure and improving its resilience.

We look forward to future collaborations with the SafeTech team and welcome other companies to join us in building the future of blockchain with vechain.

About SafeTech

SafeTech Labs is a Belgian company based in Brussels and focussed on Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) and Security Engineering.

SafeTech Labs delivers blockchain services and custom blockchain development that powers real business transformations. Create new business tools based on revolutionary decentralized networks that change your industry forever.

About vechain

Vechain, headquartered in San Marino, Europe, is the curator of VechainThor, a world leading smart contract platform spearheading the real world adoption of blockchain technology.

Through leveraging the capabilities of ‘trustless’ data (information without intermediaries), smart contracts and IoT technologies, VechainThor has enabled solutions across a wide array of fields. Vechain now turns its attention to the greatest challenge of all — building digital ecosystems to drive sustainability and digital transformation at global scale.

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VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution