VeChain Attended San Francisco Blockchain Week 2019 and Showcased The New VeChain Builders Website

VeChain Official
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2019

San Francisco, United States, November 2 — The second annual San Francisco Blockchain Week (SFBW 2019), one of the world’s largest events focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship in the world of blockchain, has been held from October 28 to November 3. After hosting the first ever VeChain Summit at the same city on April 18, 2019, VeChain attended the event to connect on industry trends and issues on decentralization and cryptocurrencies with the leading global minds. Other participants included entrepreneurs, academics, financial institutions, startups, students, governments, regulators, and global corporations. The event was attended by notable figures such as Hester M. Peirce from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum.

Since the establishment of the project, VeChain has not only been continually expanding the ecosystem to bring a wider range of innovative solutions to enterprises (such as Walmart China, BMW, LVMH, etc.), but also spared no efforts in building an increasingly compelling community for all partners.

At the SFBW 2019, VeChain co-hosted BUIDLer Assembly in Epicenter on 31 November, a panel talk aimed to encourage more builders to join in and create value for the real economy by leveraging blockchain technology. The guest lineup brought together pioneering practitioners and researchers, which includes Sunny Lu (Co-founder & CEO at VeChain), Xiaoning Nan (Founder & CEO at OceanEx), John Dempsey (Founding Director & CEO at 8Hours), COO Zack (Co-founder & COO at CyberX), and Alyssa Tsai (Founder & CEO at PANONY and PANews). Apart from the analysis of existing landscape of services and infrastructures in blockchain industry, technology innovation and blockchain-enabled services were discussed by the panelists during the discussion.

Sunny Lu, Co-founder and CEO at VeChain stressed that, “We believe real business applications is the next key step to drive value creation, and VeChain is born to tackle this challenge. We are doing just one thing — exploiting and maximizing the value of data on the blockchain. Enterprises, including insurance companies, auditing companies and so on, are using unique features of blockchain, which is openness, immutability and transparency. And, VeChain helps them to save cost, increase efficiency, and scale the business from an exclusive area to a broader market.” Undoubtedly, the increase of data value on the blockchain will lift the value of VeChain’s technology and the influence of VeChain’s cryptocurrencies.

Nowadays, with resources pouring into blockchain technology by investors and governments, the industry is in need of more professional players with deeper business acumen. Characterized by openness and collaboration, VeChain’s ecosystem welcomes a wide variety of builders, including enterprises, startups, developers and other members in the community. VeChain, together with all partners, is committed to providing comprehensive support for builders to meet their diverse needs, to create real value and to build sustainable business models.

At the event, the VeChain Foundation introduced VeChain Builders, a dedicated new section on the VeChain official website, allows users to easily navigate and explore blockchain-related information and toolsets to address their pain points and lower their adoption efforts. The new website targets all builders and parties interested in building on top of blockchain, including community developers, startups, enterprises and more.

During the BUIDLer Assembly, which brought together builders from different industries and sectors, a discussion on the expansion of blockchain adoption was held. With increasingly fine-grained and defined use cases, real-world adoption seem to be in full progress in various fields of applications, including fashion, LNG, automobile and so forth. Positioning itself as an Enabler in the ecosystem, the VeChain Foundation has been committed to continue maintaining and improving the VeChainThor Blockchain, the world’s leading enterprise-friendly public blockchain platform, and power the real economy and facilitate digital transformation.

“The development of public blockchain generally has three major steps: the underlying technology, the community and the ecosystem. In terms of cooperation with enterprises, the scale and scope of blockchain-based applications are still in early stages. I believe choosing a stable and reliable public blockchain such as the VeChainThor Blockchain is vital under current circumstances .” Nan Xiaoning, Founder & CEO at OceanEx said.

John Dempsey, Founding Director & CEO at 8Hours, commented: “Speaking of public blockchain, I think VeChain’s underlying blockchain technology has great synergy for NFC physical object tracking. Their blockchain solutions are conducive for actual businesses process, especially for our product that deals with both physical and digital assets. We rely heavily on VeChainThor’s advanced fee delegation and transaction batching features such as MPP and MTT, which are natively implemented in our core product.”

Aside from the BUIDLer Assembly panel event, VeChain also co-hosted the exclusive networking party BUIDLer Reunion Night with OceanEx and Noris Capital on November 1, 2019, and over 200 companies joined in the event. Open to the public with registrations for free coupled with top-of-the-line media support such as ChainDD, ChainNews and PANews, all attendees enjoyed both in-depths conversations on blockchain and conducted valuable networking activities.

About SF Blockchain Week

San Francisco Blockchain Week is where blockchain startups, enterprise companies, academics, developers, and investors from around the world come together to define the future of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

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About VeChain

Launched in 2015, VeChain aims to connect blockchain technology to the real world by providing a comprehensive governance structure, a robust economic model, and IoT integration. VeChain has evolved into a PoA based public blockchain platform with balanced governance and economic model. As the ecosystem enabler, VeChain has been dedicated to empowering builders. VeChain provides commercial blockchain-as-a-service solutions, off- the-shelf blockchain applications, IoT devices and turnkey solutions on the public blockchain infrastructure and enabled its partners to create business value with the blockchain technology.

Through years of efforts, VeChainThor Blockchain-based business applications have now been adopted by major corporations for day to day operation and added value to their businesses . Together with its strategic partners, PwC and DNV GL, VeChain has collaborated with world-leading enterprises from large industries including Walmart China, BMW, BYD Auto, PICC, H&M, LVMH, ENN Haier, AWS, etc.

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VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution