VeChain ToolChain™ Further Powers DNV GL’s My Care To Onboard Leading Shipping Company Color Line

VeChain Official
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2020

July 23, 2020, Shanghai — One of the largest shipping companies in Europe, Color Line, announced that it has received verification for infection prevention processes and measures from the Norwegian classification society DNV GL under the My Care methodology.

Following the recent implementation of the My Care solution by Viking Line, DNV GL and VeChain are making joint efforts in the promotion of this new digital product offering. Color Line is just one of the many companies that have chosen to adopt the My Care solution and methodology.

Powered by the one-stop data BaaS platform VeChain ToolChain™, My Care aims to assist companies on preparedness and readiness of infection risk management to mitigate and fight the risk of COVID-19, both during and after the pandemic.

As My Care continues to demonstrate an extremely high level of performance in standardization and scalability, it paves the way for its further expansion in other sectors, such as the hotel industry, public spaces, shopping malls, and downtown offices.

My Care — Expanding & Scalable Solution

On July 15, Color Line received verification for infection prevention processes and measures from DNV GL under the My Care methodology. The verification covers the measures implemented on all management systems, six-passenger and cargo vessels and related terminals, which is sufficient to keep people safe and in line with local regulations.

By scanning the QR-code embedded in the trust mark, DNV GL’s My Care assessment statement will be instantly displayed to users with trustworthy and immutable data stored on the VeChainThor blockchain.

The My Care methodology features hospital-grade healthcare standards to ensure the highest standards of safety. My Care combines the best practices in risk management, HSE management systems and maturity safety rating standards with blockchain technology, which guarantees the data involved in the methodology is up to trustworthy industrial standards.

Mass Adoption of VeChain ToolChain™ Underway

Since Viking Line announced that it is the world’s first shipping company to receive verification from DNV GL under the My Care methodology, Color Line finished the verification process within a lead time of one month. With Color Line’s fast implementation and adoption, this proves that My Care is trusted in the international shipping industry.

The COVID-19 pandemic is greatly reshaping most industries across the world, and companies are facing an urgent need to find a fast-to-implement, trustworthy, effective and transparent way to show consumers or clients their readiness in this period of time.

My Care offers companies a significantly decreased time cost for the implementation of a complete blockchain based solution. More enterprises in the industry are already expected to be onboard My Care to further extend the reach and amount of valuable transactions recorded on the VeChainThor blockchain.

VeChain And DNV GL At The Forefront of Digital Transformation

The strategic collaboration between VeChain and DNV GL is a perfect solution for these companies. My Care combines the reach and professionalism of DNV GL and the industry-leading blockchain technology of VeChain, leading to a safer business world.

As the leading enterprise friendly public blockchain platform, VeChain has been dedicated in providing advice and technical support for our partners that utilizes our blockchain platform. With more businesses increasingly seeking to enhance their trust and transparency, the demand for digitalized solutions to support their businesses will surge.

This increase in demand will be an opportunity for both VeChain and DNV GL to expand our reach. Already, many more companies and enterprises are lined up for digital solutions that are jointly powered by VeChain and DNV GL.

About VeChain

As a leading enterprise friendly public blockchain platform, VeChain began in 2015 and aims to connect blockchain technology to the real world by providing enterprises with blockchain solutions suitable for their business needs and to build a trust-free and distributed business ecosystem platform for business value. With VeChain ToolChain™, a one-stop data BaaS platform, VeChain will continue to promote the large-scale application of blockchain technology, help enterprise clients in digitalization transformation, and eventually realize the long-term vision of enabling the real economy.

VeChain is the pioneer of real-world business applications, with international operations in Singapore, Luxembourg, Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, Paris, America, Italy and San Francisco. With strong independent development capabilities, and the professional compliance guidance of our strategic partners, PwC (one of the world’s top four accounting firms) and DNV GL (a leading global assessment and certification society), VeChain has established partnerships with many leading enterprises in various industries, including Walmart China, Bayer China, BMW, BYD Auto, PICC, H&M, ENN, Shanghai Gas, LVMH, D.I.G, ASI etc.

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VeChain Official

VeChain, based in San Marino, Europe built VeChainThor, a powerful platform driving a blockchain and sustainability revolution