April 2018: Ready to Bloom

Dana Moore
The Vector Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2018

It’s finally happening. We are (cautiously) kicking off our cold weather boots and getting ready to embrace Spring! As the weather shifts, we have lots of projects in bloom here at Vector. Check out some of our recent highlights!

  • We are happy to announce that our ExpressionEngine add-ons Store and Channel Images 7 have been released for ExpressionEngine 4! Store will be a free upgrade for anyone who purchased Store after October 24th, 2017 and a discount price for returning customers. Channel Images 7 will be a free upgrade for anyone who purchased Images after October 1, 2017 and a discounted upgrade for everyone else. Follow us on Twitter for the latest in our DevDemon add-on upgrades!
  • We continue to find solutions for delivering information faster on mobile and social media platforms. Our work with Google AMP Pages and Facebook Instant Articles allows our clients to distribute content quickly, increasing user experience and improving engagement.
  • We welcomed two new members to the team!

- Meet Associate Digital Project Manager Lanore Coloprisco — She loves Nutella and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. A natural multitasker, you can always catch her reading two books at a time!

- Meet Developer Alex Kendrick — He is a father of two, loves camping, stand up paddleboarding, and swimming. He is also a board game enthusiast and hosts weekly game nights!

  • We held another fun “10 Things” presentation and celebration, wherein a few different employees presented 10 things about themselves. This round was Jaskar Singh, Ray Blake, and Lanore Coloprisco. We learned that Jaskar eats a pizza pie every weekend, Ray knits his own socks, and Lanore is a big fan of stand up comedy!

Originally published on 04.30.18 at www.vectormediagroup.com.

