Expresso Store 3 for ExpressionEngine 3 Is Here, and Got a Price Drop!

Matthew Weinberg
The Vector Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2017

We’ve got some exciting news: Expresso Store 3 for ExpressionEngine 3 is now available, and its price has been reduced to $249!

Since we acquired Expresso Store and the other DevDemon add-ons in January, the most popular request we’ve received — by far — has been to update Expresso Store for EE3 compatibility. ExpressionEngine 3 has been out for over a year and many developers are migrating their clients off of ExpressionEngine 2 (we can help with that migration as well even if you don’t use Expresso Store. Email us today!).

So today we’re proud to announce the release of Expresso Store 3, which offers full ExpressionEngine 3 compatibility, along with a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It’s also fully compatible with PHP 7. We worked hard to make sure upgrading is as easy as possible — all the features from Expresso Store 2 are still in place and no existing template tags have changed.

We’re also lowering Expresso Store’s price to only $249 — an amazing value. If you already own Expresso Store 2, you can upgrade your license to version 3 for the reduced price of $125. Just follow the link in your “my accounts” area. Also, because we know some people are still on EE 2, for now all purchases of Store 3 will also come with a copy of Store 2.

If you purchased Expresso Store 2 any time in 2017, you can receive Expresso Store 3 for free along with a refund of the price difference between what you paid and the new price. Email us here with your license number!

Thanks so much to everyone who helped us beta test Store 3 during development. Our team is proud of the work done so far and excited to continue improvements. Click here to give it a try today!

Need help upgrading Expresso Store, upgrading to ExpressionEngine 3, or doing any custom eCommerce or ExpressionEngine work? We’re experts. Get in touch with us today — even if you’re not an Expresso Store user!

Originally published on 07.05.17 at

