Designing A Simple Android Robot Logo

Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2017


Everyone needs a logo, and it’s really easy creating them with Vectr. In this tutorial we will see how to create a simple Android robot logo. It will not take you more than a couple of minutes and a few shapes to create a good looking vector graphics file and share it with your friends :)

Do Your Research

First of all, let’s see how the actual real Android logo looks like, and what are the proportions of its elements. Looking at it, you can create designing plan: which elements would you create first and which ones would be the last ones. It’s also a good idea sketching your design on paper before proceeding to Vectr and starting your project.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Workspace

First of all, set up your working space in Vectr. Best canvas sizes for designing logos are either 640 px by 640 px, or 1280 px by 1280 px. This creates a squared workspace size, good for exporting and convenient to work with.

Step 2: Create Android Head

Let’s start with the head of Android. First, draw an elipse and a rectangle. Select two those layers and use workspace tools to cut the elipse in half, creating a perfect shape that we want.

Step 3: Go On With The Body

Once you have the head, go on drafting the body. Create a rounded rectangle shape and align it accordingly. Then add the legs and hands to your Android robot :)

Last Bits: Eyes And Ears

Now we can finish up the last bits of our Android robot design: eyes and ears ;) Use elipses to create eyes, and rounded rectangles for the ears. Then group the layers to align them precisely with the other elements of your design.

See Android logo video tutorial here:

Ta-da! Our Android robot logo is ready. You can export it, or send the link directly to your friends.

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