From Chessboard to Real World: Examining the Potential of Google DeepMind’s Searchless Chess Engine — Part 1

Dimitri Allaert
Published in
9 min readMay 3, 2024

Discover how Google DeepMind’s Searchless Chess Engine, using deep neural networks without traditional search, is changing the game of AI and opening up exciting new possibilities.

A cartoon-style illustration by DALL·E 3 of myself deep in thought during a chess game. The original picture is featured at the end of this article.


My love-hate relationship with chess engines has been a constant in my chess journey, sparking both fascination and frustration.

As a passionate player and teacher, I’ve devoted countless hours to studying and competing at a high level.

More than once, after believing I had played a brilliant game, I returned home only to face a cold shower of reality. When I turned on the engine to analyze my games, it exposed many flaws in my thinking, revealing superior moves and strategies that had escaped my notice during the heat of battle. It’s a stark reminder of the vast complexity of chess and the limitations of the human mind.

Yet, these very same engines have become invaluable training partners. By studying their suggestions and ideas, I’ve discovered novel strategies and tactics that I can employ to surprise my opponents in my next over-the-board games.

Chess has played a pivotal role in the development and advancement of artificial intelligence over the decades, serving as a proving testing ground for various AI algorithms and techniques.

Recently, I came across a groundbreaking research paper by the team at Google DeepMind (Ruoss et al. (2024)) about a remarkable development in artificial intelligence: the Searchless Chess Engine.

Unlike traditional engines that rely on brute-force calculations, this system uses a deep neural network to directly approximate the positional understanding of elite engines like Stockfish.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the inner workings of DeepMind’s Searchless Chess Engine to understand its significance and how it fundamentally differs from traditional chess AI.

In a subsequent blog post, we will explore the broader implications of this breakthrough for the future of artificial intelligence and its potential real-world applications outside the world of chess. But first, let’s start by trying to understand how humans come up with great chess moves.

Understanding Chess Through the Human Mind

The Cognitive Game

When playing chess, humans rely on a combination of intuition, pattern recognition, calculation, and analysis. Intuition and pattern recognition play a crucial role in quickly assessing a position and identifying potential moves. Through experience and studying, chess players build a vast library of patterns and themes that they can draw upon during a game. This allows them to recognize familiar structures and make decisions based on their intuitive understanding of the position.

Beyond Intuition

However, intuition alone is not enough. Calculation and analysis are essential for evaluating the consequences of each move and determining the best course of action. Chess players must be able to calculate variations several moves deep, considering their opponent’s possible responses and the resulting positions. This process requires a strong understanding of tactics, strategy, and endgame principles.

Experience and knowledge are also essential components of the human thought process in chess. The more games a player has studied and played, the more patterns and ideas they have encountered. This experience allows them to make better decisions, anticipate their opponent’s moves, and develop a deeper understanding of the game. Knowledge of opening theory, middlegame strategies, and endgame techniques is crucial for success at higher levels of play.

Revolution and Evolution: The Journey of Chess AI

A Legacy of Innovation

Demis Hassabis, co-founder and CEO of Google DeepMind, was a chess prodigy who achieved a master-level Elo rating of 2300 at just 13 years old. In a recent conversation with Chris Anderson at TED2024, Hassabis shared how his early experiences with chess sparked his fascination with thinking and the human brain. He wondered how the brain comes up with thought processes and ideas, and how these could be mimicked with computers. This curiosity about the nature of intelligence ultimately steered him towards artificial intelligence research. His journey reflects a broader narrative in which chess has long served as a microcosm for exploring and developing artificial intelligence.

Early pioneers like Alan Turing and Claude Shannon recognized the value of chess for exploring machine intelligence. Shannon’s seminal 1950 paper introduced critical concepts such as the minimax algorithm, which became foundational to the programming of chess engines.

The Age of Computer Chess

Over the years, AI evolved from these basic principles to incorporate more sophisticated algorithms. Engines like IBM’s Deep Blue relied heavily on the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to efficiently explore the game tree, evaluating positions using carefully crafted evaluation functions that considered factors like material advantage, piece mobility, and king safety. A historic milestone came in 1997 when IBM’s Deep Blue, powered by specialized hardware and extensive opening books, defeated then-world champion Garry Kasparov. This victory significantly altered public perceptions of AI’s capabilities.

Today, some of the most prominent chess engines include Stockfish, AlphaZero and its open source version Leela Chess Zero (Lc0), and Komodo. Stockfish, an open-source engine, relies on brute-force search and evaluation. It explores millions of positions per second, using a complex evaluation function to assess the strength of each position. Stockfish’s evaluation function considers various factors, such as material balance, pawn structure, king safety, and piece mobility. By searching through an enormous number of positions and evaluating them accurately, Stockfish can consistently find strong moves and outplay human opponents. More recently, the rise of machine learning has revolutionized chess AI. Engines like Google’s AlphaZero utilize deep neural networks trained through reinforcement learning on massive datasets of chess games. Rather than relying on explicit search algorithms and human-crafted evaluation functions, AlphaZero learns to play at a superhuman level purely from the rules of the game. Its novel strategies and unconventional moves have provided new insights into the game. One of the key techniques used by AlphaZero is Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). MCTS is a heuristic search algorithm that combines the precision of tree search with the generality of random sampling. It works by selectively expanding the most promising nodes in the search tree based on random simulations. By focusing on the most relevant branches, MCTS allows AlphaZero to efficiently explore the vast search space of chess positions and make high-quality decisions. Other key techniques used in modern chess engines include the use of transposition tables, opening books, and endgame databases to store and reuse the results of previous computations.

In 2017, AlphaZero famously defeated Stockfish in a 100-game match without losing a single game. However, it is important to note that the version of Stockfish used in that match was not the most up-to-date, and the computational resources and time controls were different for both engines.

Modern AI Chess Engines and Their Evolution

Since the initial match, both AlphaZero and Stockfish have continued to evolve. More recent versions of Stockfish have incorporated ideas from AlphaZero’s approach, such as using neural networks in their evaluation functions. These neural networks help Stockfish assess positions more accurately and identify patterns that are difficult to capture with traditional evaluation methods. As a result, the performance gap between the two engines has likely narrowed. In terms of Elo ratings, the latest versions of Stockfish and AlphaZero are estimated to have ratings well above 3500, surpassing even the strongest human players by a significant margin. LCZero and Komodo also boast impressive Elo ratings, demonstrating the remarkable strength of modern chess engines.

Today, the best chess engines participate in dedicated computer chess championships. While the game of chess itself may never be fully solved due to its vast complexity, the continued evolution of chess AI serves as a powerful demonstration of how far artificial intelligence has come — and how much further it may still go. For enthusiasts like us who are passionate about both chess and AI, it’s an endlessly fascinating field to follow.

The Searchless Chess Engine: A New Era in AI

Innovation and Methodology

The Searchless Chess Engine is a groundbreaking approach to chess AI that differs significantly from traditional chess engines. Developed by a team at Google DeepMind, the Searchless Chess Engine relies on a deep neural network to approximate the evaluation function of a powerful chess engine, such as Stockfish, without performing any explicit search or self-play.

Unlike traditional chess engines, which explore millions of positions through brute-force search, the Searchless Chess Engine does not perform any search at all. It also does not engage in self-play or reinforcement learning, which are key components of AlphaZero’s approach. Instead, the Searchless Chess Engine uses a neural network that has been trained to mimic the evaluation function of Stockfish.

Training the Neural Network

To train the neural network, the team at DeepMind utilized a vast dataset containing over 10 million chess games, totaling approximately 15 billion data points. Each position in these games was carefully annotated with action-values provided by the advanced Stockfish 16 engine. This extensive training approach, leveraging a 270M parameter transformer model through supervised learning, allows the neural network to finely tune its predictions. As a result, the network can accurately estimate the scores Stockfish would attribute to various positions, effectively simulating a high level of chess analysis without the need for traditional search methods.

Once trained, the Searchless Chess Engine decides on the best move by evaluating the positions resulting from each legal move using its neural network approximation of Stockfish’s evaluation function. The move leading to the position with the highest predicted score is then selected as the best move. This approach allows the Searchless Chess Engine to play at a remarkably high level, comparable to that of strong human grandmasters, without the need for search or self-play.

It’s worth noting that the Searchless Chess Engine’s approach differs from DeepMind’s earlier chess AI systems, such as AlphaGo and AlphaZero. As shown in the documentary ‘AlphaGo — The Movie,’ AlphaGo initially learned from a large dataset of human games before engaging in self-play to further improve its skills. AlphaZero, on the other hand, started from scratch with no prior knowledge, learning to play chess at a superhuman level within just 24 hours through self-play and reinforcement learning. In contrast, the Searchless Chess Engine relies solely on approximating the evaluation function of a powerful chess engine like Stockfish, without any explicit search or self-play.

The implications of the Searchless Chess Engine extend beyond the world of chess. This approach demonstrates that it is possible to develop highly capable AI systems by approximating complex algorithms using deep neural networks trained on large datasets. This could potentially lead to more efficient and interpretable AI systems in various domains, as the knowledge embedded in the neural network can be more easily extracted and analyzed compared to the opaque decision-making processes of traditional algorithms.

Table 1 | Prediction and playing strength comparison for our models (three different sizes) against Stockfish 16, variants of AlphaZero (with and without Monte-Carlo tree search), and GPT-3.5-turbo-instruct. Tournament Elo ratings are determined by having the models play against each other and cannot be directly compared to the Lichess Elo. Lichess (blitz) Elo ratings result from playing against human opponents or bots on Lichess. Stockfish 16 (time limit of 50ms per move) is our data-generating oracle, thus obtaining a Kendall’s 𝜏 of 1 and 100% action accuracy. Models operating on the PGN observe the full move history, whereas FENs only contain very limited historical information. Best results without search in bold. Source: Ruoss et al. (2024), a new AI chess engine developed by Google DeepMind

What’s Next?

As we’ve explored the intricacies of the Searchless Chess Engine and its radical departure from traditional AI methods, we’ve touched upon how such advancements could transcend the chessboard and influence broader AI applications. The potential of these systems to learn and operate without explicit programmed strategies opens up fascinating new horizons for research and practical applications alike.

This is just the beginning of our journey to understanding the transformative effects of such technology. Stay tuned for the next part of this series, where we will delve deeper into how the principles behind the Searchless Chess Engine can be applied to solve real-world problems beyond the space of chess.

Are you intrigued by the innovative steps Google DeepMind is making with its Searchless Chess Engine? Join the conversation! We’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, or your own insights into AI advancements. Keep an eye out for the upcoming parts of this series for more groundbreaking explorations. And if you’re keen to dive deeper or discover how these AI technologies can impact your own fields, we at Vectrix are always excited to discuss and exchange ideas. Connect with us to be part of a community that’s at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

Reference Section:

Here I am analyzing one of my own games against International Master Sim Maerevoet (2443 elo). I’m pondering a deep sacrificial strategy suggested by StockFish 16.1, involving a piece sacrifice in the endgame that could have led to a draw. Regrettably, I overlooked this move during the actual game, leading to a loss.

