Rig Veda 1.014

Sriram Subramanian
Veda For Today
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024
Ṛṣi (sage/seer): medhātithiḥ kāṇvaḥ, Medhātithi, Son of Kaṇva
Devatā (deity): viśvedevā:
Chandas (meter): gāyatrī, pipīlikāmadhyānicṛdgāyatrī, virāḍgāyatrī, nicṛdgāyatrī

Translation (H.H. Wilson, 1866)

[Prompt: Rig Veda 1–014 Translation]

Come, Agni, to our adoration, and to our praises, with all these gods, to drink the Soma juice; and (do you) offer sacrifice.
The kaṇvās (=medhāvinaḥ or sages; ṛtvija or officiating priests) invoke you, sapient Agni, and extol your deeds; come, Agni, Agni, with the gods.
Sacrifice (Agni), to Indra, Vāyu, Bṛhaspati, Mitra, Agni, Pūṣan and Bhaga, the Ādityas, and the troop of Maruts.
For all of you are poured out these juices, satisfying, exhilarating, sweet, falling in drops, or gathered in ladles.
The wise priests desirous of the protection (of the gods) having spread the sacred grass, presenting oblations, and offering ornaments, praise you.
Let the coursers who convey you, glossy-backed, and harnessed at will, bring the gods to drink the Soma juice.
Agni, make those objects of veneration, augmenters of pious acts, (participant of the offering), together with their wives; give them, bright-tongued, to drink of the Soma juice.
Let those objects of veneration and of praise, drink with your tongue, of the Soma juice, at the moment of libation.
Let the wise invoker (of the gods) bring hither from the shining (sphere) of the sun, all the divinities awaking with the dawn.
With all the gods, with Indra, Vāyu and the glories (rays) of Mitra (= various forms of Mitra), drink, Agni the sweet Soma juice.
Your, Agni appointed by man as the invoker (of the gods) are present at sacrifices; do you present this our oblation.
Yoke, divine Agni, your fleet and powerful mares, Rohits (tābhiḥ vaḍavābhiḥ = mares; rohit= red) to your chariot and by them hither bring the gods.


[Prompt: Rig Veda 1–014 Devanagari]

ऐभि॑रग्ने॒ दुवो॒ गिरो॒ विश्वे॑भि॒: सोम॑पीतये । दे॒वेभि॑र्याहि॒ यक्षि॑ च ॥
आ त्वा॒ कण्वा॑ अहूषत गृ॒णन्ति॑ विप्र ते॒ धिय॑: । दे॒वेभि॑रग्न॒ आ ग॑हि ॥
इ॒न्द्र॒वा॒यू बृह॒स्पतिं॑ मि॒त्राग्निं पू॒षणं॒ भग॑म् । आ॒दि॒त्यान्मारु॑तं ग॒णम् ॥
प्र वो॑ भ्रियन्त॒ इन्द॑वो मत्स॒रा मा॑दयि॒ष्णव॑: । द्र॒प्सा मध्व॑श्चमू॒षद॑: ॥
ईळ॑ते॒ त्वाम॑व॒स्यव॒: कण्वा॑सो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः । ह॒विष्म॑न्तो अरं॒कृत॑: ॥
घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठा मनो॒युजो॒ ये त्वा॒ वह॑न्ति॒ वह्न॑यः । आ दे॒वान्त्सोम॑पीतये ॥
तान्यज॑त्राँ ऋता॒वृधोऽग्ने॒ पत्नी॑वतस्कृधि । मध्व॑: सुजिह्व पायय ॥
ये यज॑त्रा॒ य ईड्या॒स्ते ते॑ पिबन्तु जि॒ह्वया॑ । मधो॑रग्ने॒ वष॑ट्कृति ॥
आकीं॒ सूर्य॑स्य रोच॒नाद्विश्वा॑न्दे॒वाँ उ॑ष॒र्बुध॑: । विप्रो॒ होते॒ह व॑क्षति ॥
विश्वे॑भिः सो॒म्यं मध्वग्न॒ इन्द्रे॑ण वा॒युना॑ । पिबा॑ मि॒त्रस्य॒ धाम॑भिः ॥
त्वं होता॒ मनु॑र्हि॒तोऽग्ने॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ सीदसि । सेमं नो॑ अध्व॒रं य॑ज ॥
यु॒क्ष्वा ह्यरु॑षी॒ रथे॑ ह॒रितो॑ देव रो॒हित॑: । ताभि॑र्दे॒वाँ इ॒हा व॑ह ॥


[Prompt: Rig Veda 1–014 Transliteration]

aibhiraghne duvo ghiro viśvebhiḥ somapītaye |
devebhiryāhi yakṣi ca ||
ā tvā kaṇvā ahūṣata ghṛṇanti vipra te dhiyaḥ |
devebhiraghna ā ghahi ||
indravāyū bṛhaspatiṃ mitrāghniṃ pūṣaṇaṃ bhagham |
ādityānmārutaṃ ghaṇam ||
pra vo bhriyanta indavo matsarā mādayiṣṇavaḥ |
drapsā madhvaścamūṣadaḥ ||
īḷate tvāmavasyavaḥ kaṇvāso vṛktabarhiṣaḥ |
haviṣmantoaraṃkṛtaḥ ||
ghṛtapṛṣṭhā manoyujo ye tvā vahanti vahnayaḥ |
ā devān somapītaye ||
tān yajatrān ṛtāvṛdho.aghne patnīvatas kṛdhi |
madhvaḥ sujihva pāyaya ||
ye yajatrā ya īḍyāste te pibantu jihvayā |
madhoraghne vaṣaṭkṛti ||
ākīṃ sūryasya rocanād viśvān devānuṣarbudhaḥ |
vipro hoteha vakṣati ||
viśvebhiḥ somyaṃ madhvaghna indreṇa vāyunā |
pibā mitrasya dhāmabhiḥ ||
tvaṃ hotā manurhito.aghne yajñeṣu sīdasi |
semaṃ no adhvaraṃ yaja ||
yukṣvā hyaruṣī rathe harito deva rohitaḥ |
tābhirdevānihā vaha ||


  1. Sukta 14 [English translation] (wisdomlib.org)
  2. The Rig Veda translated by Ralph T. H. Griffith
  3. Rig Veda Index (sacred-texts.com)



Sriram Subramanian
Veda For Today

AIpreneuer | Advisor| Analyst. https://clouddon.ai. Student. Irreverential Yogi; Single Dad; Son; Brother; MA Sanskrit; (PhD Hindu Studies).