Adobe Is All About Experience Management (Adobe Summit 2021)

Ankur Kumar
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2021

Adobe Summit 2021 has been the talk of the town with 400+ sessions focused on Experience Platform, Analytics, Insights & Activation, B2B Marketing & Offerings, Digital Commerce, Digital Assets & Content Management, Personalization, and so on.

This article summarizes key takeaways out of the keynote delivered by Anil Chakravarthy (Executive Vice President and General Manager), and Shantanu
(CEO) along with senior leaders from Pfizer, GM, FedEx, and Serena Williams as a venture capitalist.

#1 — Digital Experience & Cloud

  • With rising privacy and security trends, highlighted that third-party cookie will be the thing of the past and cookie-less experience will drive digital experience
  • First-party data will drive future customer experience with the complexity of managing authentication and transparency
  • Adobe Digital Economy Index 2021 published after processing terabytes of data to generate meaningful insights
  • Adobe Digital Academy Playbook got mentioned providing best practices and tips
  • Highlighted three primary cloud offerings — Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Document Cloud, and Adobe Experience Cloud
  • Highlighted Cloud-first and cloud-native offerings by Adobe for content and asset management

#2 — AI & ML for Customer Experience

  • Rise of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) driving customer experience with personalization across different industry segments using out-of-the-box platform Adobe Sensei
  • Personalized Digital Experience applying Adobe Sensei as an AI & ML platform is being offered as key accelerators

#3 — Adobe Experience Platform (AEP)

  • Highlighted next-generation AEP Platform behind Adobe Experience Cloud as a foundational building block
  • AEP drives Innovation in technology with three key pillars as Data, Machine Learning & AI using Adobe Sensei, and Content Management
  • Highlighted capabilities of the out-of-the-box scalable platform with trillions of segmentation processing driving innovation in customer experience
  • Highlighted technology & engineering aspects of overall solution with API-first approach and Cloud-enabled services (with cloud-native capabilities). Click here for API reference.

#3 — Personalization & Customer Data Platform

  • Real-time personalization capabilities with omnichannel (including new trends with IoT experience) as part of the out-of-the-box personalization framework
  • Real-time Customer Data Platform driving collections, processing, and intelligence generation from customer data continues to be the key focus area

#4 — Digital Commerce & Marketing

  • Digital Marketing, Customer Data & Interaction, Generating insights, and Creating customer experience management as a strategic technology been highlighted
  • Headless Commerce & Headless CMS highlighted as key offerings for flexibility & omnichannel user experience for commerce & content platforms respectively

#5 — Customer Success Stories

100+ customer stories to be shared during Adobe Summit 2021 with the following mentioned during the keynote:

  • Pfizer — case-study of data-driven experience for patients & doctors
  • FedEx — case-study of the personalized user journey and digital economy
  • GM — case-study of mobility experience and innovation
  • Serena Williams shared her experience as a venture capitalist to drive investment selection related to next-generation startups

To conclude, an eye-opening keynote with very innovative technology to drive next-generation customer experience management. It establishes the fact that Adobe as a company is all about experience management. You can watch all the sessions by clicking here. Finally, here is the word cloud highlighting keywords during the keynote to trigger more learning:

Adobe Summit 2021 Word Cloud



Ankur Kumar

Engineering lead | Experimentalist & Enabler | Blogs abt Cloud, Software Architecture, Microservices, Data Platforms, Cloud-native, DevOps, Opensource, Caching