Key Takeaways from AWS reInvent 2022

Ankur Kumar
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2023


AWS re:Invent 2022 (Nov 28 — Dec 2) has continued the tradition of being the most happening cloud computing technology event. While there were many sessions covering leadership, partnership, technology updates, case studies, and much more — this article focused on sharing key takeaways from the event for software architects.

#1 —Asynchrony and Event-driven Architecture enable the global scale

The key theme of Werner Vogels’ keynote highlights the benefits of building asynchronous, loosely coupled systems, and how event-driven architecture is the need of the hour to build globally scalable systems.

Synchronous is a convenience. Synchronous is a simplification. Synchronous is an abstraction. Synchronous is an illusion.
The world is asynchronous. Systems are asynchronous.

— Werner Vogels ( VP and CTO)

Amazon S3 (from 8 microservices to 250+ distributed microservices now) architecture and design principles were illustrated as an example of how we can build a globally scalable distributed service. The Distributed Computing Manifesto from the early days of Amazon was shown as an example of how to establish the foundations for building distributed systems.

Amazon S3 Design Principles
Amazon S3 Design Principles



Ankur Kumar

Engineering lead | Experimentalist & Enabler | Blogs abt Cloud, Software Architecture, Microservices, Data Platforms, Cloud-native, DevOps, Opensource, Caching