Spring Boot Caching Mechanism

A Basic Guide to implement cache in your Spring Boot App

Jitendra Kakwani
11 min readMar 10, 2022


In this article, We will learn about caching and how to implement a cache in Spring Boot Application and increase the performance of the application.

Spring Boot has lot of features to manage the cache and it is simple to use. So lets get started.

What is Caching ?

Cache is a part of temporary memory (RAM). It lies between the application and the persistent database.

Caching is a mechanism used to increase the performance of a system. It is a process to store and access data from the cache.

It stores the recently used data. This helps to reduces the number of database hits as much as possible.

Why should we use the cache ?

There are some main reasons of using cache are as follows :

  1. It make data access faster and less expensive
  2. It improves the performance of the application.
  3. It gives responses quickly.
  4. Data access from memory is always faster than fetching from database.
  5. It reduces the costly backend requests.

What data should be cached ?

The data which is to be cached is based on different requirement and scenarios. So caching data will differ for each application.

Below are some of the examples for which data should be cached :

  1. List of product should be cached for an e-Commerce store.
  2. The data that do not change frequently.
  3. The frequently used read query in which results does not change in each call at least for a period.

Types of Caching

There are four types of caching are as follows :

  1. In-memory Caching.
  2. Database Caching.
  3. Web Server Caching.
  4. CDN Caching

In-Memory Caching

In-memory caching is a technique which is widely used. In this type of caching, data is stored in RAM. Memcached and Redis are examples of in-memory caching.

Memcached is a simple in-memory cache while Redis is advanced.

Database Caching

Database caching includes cache in database. It improves the performance by distributing a query workload.

We can optimize the default configuration in database caching to further boosting the application performance.

Hibernate first level cache is an example of database caching.

Web Server Caching

Web server caching is a mechanism that stores data for reuse.

It is cached for the first time when a user visits the page. If the user requests the same next time, the cache serves a copy of the page.

CDN Caching

The CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. It is a component used in modern web application.

It improves delivery of the content by replicating common requested files such as Html Pages, images, videos, etc. across distributed set of caching servers.

Spring Boot Caching

Spring boot provides a Cache Abstraction API that allow us to use different cache providers to cache objects.

The below is the control flow of Spring boot caching.

Spring Boot Caching

When the caching is enabled then the application first looks for required object in the cache instead of fetching from database. If it does not find that object in cache then only it access from database.

Caching makes the data access faster as data is fetched from database only the first time when it is required. Subsequently, it is fetched from the cache. Thus, Caching improves the performance of an application.

The cache abstraction works on two things :

  1. Cache Declaration : It identifies the methods that need to be
  2. Cache Configuration : The backing cache where data is stored and read from.

Spring Boot Caching Annotations

The following annotations are used to add caching support to Spring boot application.


It is a class level annotation. It is used to enable caching in spring boot application. By default it setup a CacheManager and creates in-memory cache using one concurrent HashMap.

It is also applied over a Spring configuration class as below :

If you are using the default CacheManager and you do not want to customize it then there is no need to create separate class to apply @EnableCaching.

We can use external cache providers by registering them using CacheManager.


It is a method level annotation. It is used in the method whose response is to be cached. The Spring boot manages the request and response of the method to the cache that is specified in the annotation attribute.

We can provide cache name to this annotation as follow :

This annotation has the following attributes :

1. cacheNames / value :

The cacheNames is used to specify the name of the cache while value specifies the alias for the cacheNames.

We can also provide a cache name by using the value or cacheNames attribute.

For example,

2. key :

This is the key with which object will be cached. It uniquely identifies each entry in the cache. If we do not specify the key then Spring uses the default mechanism to create the key.

For example,

3. keyGenerator :

It is used to define your own key generation mechanism. We need to create custom key generator class.

For example,

4. cacheManager :

It specifies the name of cache manager. It is used define your own cache manager and do not want to use spring’s default cache manager.

For example,

5. condition :

We can apply a condition in the attribute by using the condition attribute. We can call it as conditional caching.

For example, the following method will be cached if the argument name has length less than 20.

6. unless :

It specifies the object to to cached if it matches certain condition. SpEL provides a context variable #result which refers to the object that is fetched and we can apply condition on on its value.

For example,


It is a method level annotation. It is used to update the cache before invoking the method. By doing this, the result is put in the cache and the method is executed. It has same attributes of @Cacheable annotation.

Can we use @CachePut and @Cacheable into same method ?

There is difference between @Cacheable and @CachePut is that @Cacheable annotation skips the method execution while the @CachePut annotation runs the method and put its result in the cache.

If we use these annotations together then the application shows the unexpected behaviour. So two annotations cannot be used together.


It is a method level annotation. It is used to remove the data from the cache. When the method is annotated with this annotation then the method is executed and the cache will be removed / evicted.

We can remove single entry of cache based on key attribute. It provides parameter called allEntries=true. It evicts all entries rather one entry based on the key.

For example,

Evict an entry by key :

Evict the whole cache :


It is allows multiple nested caching annotations on the same method. It is used when we want to use multiple annotations of the same type.

Java does not allow multiple annotations of same type to be declared for given method. To avoid this problem, we use @Caching annotation.

For example,


It is a class level annotation. It is used to share common properties such as cache name, cache manager to all methods annotated with cache annotations.

When a class is declared with this annotation then it provides default setting for any cache operation defined in that class. Using this annotation, we do need to declare things multiple times.

For example,

Spring Boot Cache Providers

The cache providers allow us to configure cache transparently and explicitly in an application.

The following steps are needed in order to configure any of these cache providers :

  1. Add the annotation @EnableCaching in the configuration file.
  2. Add the required caching library in the classpath.
  3. Add the configuration file for the cache provider in the root classpath.

The following are the cache provider supported by Spring Boot framework :

  1. JCache (JSR-107)
  2. EhCache
  3. Hazelcast
  4. Infinispan
  5. Couchbase
  6. Redis
  7. Caffeine
  8. Simple


JCache is the standard caching API for Java. It is provided by javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider.

It is present on the classpath. The spring-boot-starter-cache provides the JCacheCacheManager.


The EhCache is an open source Java based cache used to boost performance. It stores the cache in memory and disk (SSD).

EhCache used a file called ehcache.xml. The EhCacheCacheManager is automatically configured if the application found the file on the classpath.

If we want to use EhCache then we need to add the following dependency :


The Hazelcast is a distributed in-memory data grid structure. It distributes the data equally among all the nodes. We can configure Hazelcast by using following property :

If we want to use Hazelcast then we need to add the following dependency :


Infinispan is embedded java library. It is used as a cache or a data grid. It stores data in key-value form. It can be easily integrated with JCache, Spring, etc.

It does not have default file location so we need to configure it by using following property :

If we want to use Infinispan then we need to add the following dependency :


Couchbase is a NoSQL database that can act as cache provider on top of the spring boot cache abstraction layer.

The CouchbaseCacheManager is automatically configured when we implement couchbase-spring-cache and configure couchbase.

If we want to use Couchbase then we need to add the following dependency :


Redis is a popular in-memory data structure. It is a keystore-based data structure which is used to persist data.

The RedisCacheManager is automatically configured when we configure Redis. The default configuration is set by using property spring.cache.redis.*.

If we want to use Redis then we need to add the following dependency :


Caffeine is a high performance Java based caching library. It also provides an in-memory cache.

The spring boot automatically configures the CaffeineCacheManager if Caffeine is found in the classpath.

If want to use Caffeine then we need to add the following dependency :


It is the default implementation. It configures a ConcurrentHashMap as a cache store if spring boot does not find any cache provider in the classpath.

Spring Boot Cache Example

Now its time for some practical implementation. We will create simple spring boot application and implement cache mechanism into it.

Below are the steps to create spring boot application using Spring Initializr API :

  1. Go to url : https://start.spring.io/
  2. Fill out the Project name and package as per your application.
  3. Add the dependencies Spring Web and Spring Cache Abstraction
  4. Click on Generate the Project. When we click the Generate button then it will download the project in .zip file.
  5. Extract the .zip file and import it into your Intellij or any IDE.

Now our project is created. Lets create all neccessary files.


Lets open pom.xml file and see which dependencies we have added to it.

Main Class

Open the SpringBootCacheExampleApplication.java and add @EnableCaching annotation to enable cache in the application.

Model Class

Create model class Employee.java.

Repository Class

Create repository class EmployeeRepository.java.

Service Class

Create service class EmployeeService.java.

Controller Class

Create controller class EmployeeController.java

Running and Testing the Application

Now, we are going to run the application. Our application is running on port 8080.

Now, hit the url : http://localhost:8080/employee/1

When you hit the url for the first then it executes the service method and data is fetched from the database.

But if you again hit the same url then the results will be displayed very fast as this time the data is fetched from the cache.

In this post, we have discussed all about Caching, Types of Cache, Caching annotations, different Caching providers and its configuration and how to add caching in Spring Boot application with example.

Now you have learned how to implement caching in Spring Boot application. With the help of caching we can increase the performance of application and reduces the application host.

You can find the full source code here.

Thanks for reading.

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Happy Caching !!!

