VeeRoute at PhysTech-IT conference

Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2016

On August 29th, VeeRoute team went to PhysTech-IT conference, organized by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and GoTech fund.

The conference is organized annually for startup teams and students from technical universities. The visitors get a chance to learn about current and future trends and directions to take to become a leader within chosen path, as well as they meet successful tech startups.

VeeRoute was present at the conference as the GoTech prize-holder (2014) and an example of a success story. Alexander Pan, the head of VeeRoute Moscow office was at our stand, answering numerous questions from curious visitors.

Visitors were mostly asking about how VeeRoute started, what strategy did company take to achieve such a growth within just 2 years. Students had questions about the solution itself: how does it help in dispatcher’s everyday operations, to what extent does it optimize and automatize company processes and able to plan routes with a significant amount of possible limitations.

Alexander was pleasantly surprised about an intense interest towards our company and product, as well as he was glad to receive a positive feedback from guests.

Alexander Pan is presenting VeeRoute at PhysTech-IT conference




Personal routing and dispatch optimization with the use of machine learning configuration algorithms