Team event at Veertly: Online Escape Game with Leenook



As a remote team, we acknowledge the importance of staying in contact with each other during work hours. However, our importance also lies in our employee’s happiness! Hence, we take turns within the company to organize a monthly, fun team event, where we get together on Veertly and have some laughs while playing games. In March, two of our team members organized a fun-filled evening with an online escape game provider, Leenook!

We thoroughly enjoyed our evening, and we truly believe that this is a great way to work on collaborative skills whilst having fun. The event took place on Veertly, and we were divided into 3 teams (Crazy Clowns, Pirates, and Ghosts), with each team having its own ‘room’ on Veertly, in which the game was embedded. The game lasted for about 1.5–2 hrs, and we even had a game master present to explain the rules of the game and the backstory behind the mystery! Everyone from the team gave their 100% in escaping the room and connecting the puzzle pieces.

Since we enjoyed the event so much, we asked Francois Bolduc, one of the founders of Leenook, to tell us a bit more about the brand, as well as the games they offer:

Can you tell us a bit more about the creation of Leenook?

The back story starts 10 years ago when Patrick managed the company that he created, named Nubik. This company, which still exists today, was a 100% virtual company, and everybody worked from home. Patrick has always been a guy ahead of his time. At this moment, Patrick was always thinking about how to do high-impact team-building activities with his team of already 50 people at that time. Fast forward a few years later, Pierre-Luc and I met Patrick, and Leenook was born! Pierre-Luc has a strong background in special effects, and I have a strong background in teams’ events. We are located on the south shore of Montréal, Québec, Canada. Our goal is to become the ‘Go-To’ place for online escape games.

Find the clues to unlock secrets

How do you see the role of virtual escape rooms in remote teambuilding?

We have seen in the past that our escape games really helped teams to bond together and to forget that they are meeting in a virtual environment. Our escape games also helped teams to develop their communication skill while working together and to learn how to work together to achieve a common goal. People also learned how they react when they have to overcome a challenge.

Are Lenook games offered in any other language apart from English?

Yes, since we are based in Canada, we also offer games in French, as well as English.

For our followers and readers, Leenook offers a 15% discount — “veertly15”- on each game when booked through their website The code is valid until the 31st of May. Happy mystery-solving, and hope you enjoy this wonderful team-building activity!



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